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Ambrosius Bosschaert Paintings for Sale

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Ambrosius Bosschaert Paintings
Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder (1573 – 1621) was Dutch/Flemish oil painter who was good at flower oil painting, involved in art movements of both Baroque and Dutch Golden Age. The still life flowers paintings by Ambrosius Bosschaert are always sold very well on auctions. In December 2016, on Sotheby's OLD MASTERS EVENING SALE in London, the artist's small flowers oil painting on copper, titled "Still Life of Tulips, Wild Roses, Cyclamen, Yellow Anunculus, Forget-Me-Not and Other Flowers, In a Glass Beaker" and in size of 19.4 x 12.9 cm, was sold in high price of 1.09 million pounds.
Ambrosius Bosschaert is thought as one of the first artists to specialize in still life paintings who started a tradition of painting detailed flower bouquets, which typically included tulips and roses. Although Ambrosius Bosschaert bouquets paintings with symbolic and religious meanings are highly in demand, the artist did not create many works because he was also employed as an art dealer.
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