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Religious Paintings for Sale

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Religious Paintings
Here are contemporary religious art and famous religion paintings in subject matters of Christian Jesus, and Islamic. You're suggested to click the subcategories at left to narrow the selections; or click "Arab" to see more Islamic art or "Indian" to see Hinduism paintings. The religion art is a definition of what constitutes music, calligraphy, drawings, oil painting, dance, public service or other aspects of human culture. Religious paintings are artistic imagery using religious inspiration and motifs and are often intended to uplift the mind to the spiritual.

A portion of the history of art can be traced back to the many influential religion oil paintings that have become masterpieces to millions of eyes. A lot of religion paintings are considered sacred, and are often protected by organizations. The highest tier of religion paintings are priceless, and can only be seen with an appointment. Owning these types of paintings is an honor, and gives value to any collection, even if it is new. Figures like Buddha, Madonna, Jesus, God and the mother Mary are often featured in religious paintings. And when looking at other cultures, each one often has an artist that defined the category for them. -- The Copyright of Scripts is Reserved by Toperfect.

The Auction Records and Prices of Famous Religious Paintings

1. "Salvator Mundi" by Leonardo da Vinci - Sold for $450.3 million at Christie's Auction in November 2017. It is considered to be the most expensive painting ever sold at an auction.

2. "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci - Price unknown, but it is estimated to be worth billions of dollars. It is one of the most famous religious paintings in the world.

3. "The Scream" by Edvard Munch - Sold for $119.9 million at Sotheby's Auction in May 2012. The painting depicts a figure screaming and has become an iconic image of anxiety and despair.

4. "The Madonna and Child" by Michelangelo - Price unknown, but it is estimated to be worth millions of dollars. The painting is a representation of the Virgin Mary and the child Jesus and is one of the most famous religious works of art.

5. "The Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo - Price unknown, but it is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The painting depicts the Biblical story of God creating Adam, and is one of the most famous images in the world.

6. "The Last Judgment" by Michelangelo - Price unknown, but it is estimated to be worth millions of dollars. The painting depicts the Second Coming of Christ and is one of the most famous religious works of art.

7. "The Ghent Altarpiece" by Jan and Hubert van Eyck - Price unknown, but it is estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars. The painting is a polyptych, or multi-panelled artwork, and depicts scenes from the Bible.

8. "The Descent from the Cross" by Peter Paul Rubens - Sold for $120 million in a private sale in 2015. The painting depicts the dead body of Jesus being taken down from the cross and is considered to be one of Rubens' greatest works.

9. "The Crucifixion" by Diego Velazquez - Price unknown, but it is estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars. The painting depicts the crucifixion of Jesus and is one of the most famous works of art from the Spanish Golden Age.

10. "The Annunciation" by Fra Angelico - Price unknown, but it is estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars. The painting depicts the Annunciation, when the archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. It is considered to be one of Fra Angelico's greatest works.

Religious Paintings as Wall Art for Room Decor

Religious paintings have always been an inspiration for artists and art lovers alike. They depict a sense of hope, peace, and serenity that can be admired in any setting, including modern room decor. Here are some tips on how to incorporate religious paintings into your modern room decor:

1. Choose abstract religious paintings: Abstract art is perfect for modern decor. It is simple, minimalistic, and can add a touch of elegance to any space. Abstract religious paintings can feature subtle references such as the halo, peaceful expressions, and serene colors to evoke emotions without being too literal.

2. Mix and match: Mixing and matching different styles of art can create an interesting conversation between the pieces. Combining religious paintings with modernist pieces can create a dialogue between the past and the present, and showcase different cultural and historical perspectives.

3. Keep it simple: Modern room decor is all about simplicity, and religious paintings should not be an exception. Keep the frames modern and sleek, and choose paintings with fewer colors and simple themes. This creates a cohesive and clean look that compliments the minimalist decor.

4. Use contrasting colors: Contrasting colors can add visual interest to a space, especially when paired with modern decor. A religious painting with bright, bold colors can be the perfect contrast to a neutral-colored room.

Religious paintings can add a sense of peacefulness and spirituality to any modern room decor. With the right framing, colors, and styles, they can become an integral part of your home's design, enhancing the ambiance and aesthetic appeal of your living space.

Religious Paintings is Popular

Religion has been a common subject in artworks throughout history. Some of the most popular religions depicted in art include:

1. Christianity - One of the largest religions in the world, Christianity has been inspiring artists for centuries. From Renaissance paintings of Jesus, to depictions of biblical stories, to religious icons, the religion has been a significant influence on Western art.

2. Hinduism - Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world and has a vast array of gods and goddesses. It has influenced many art styles, including Indian sculpture, painting, and religious iconography.

3. Buddhism - Buddhism has also inspired many artworks, ranging from painted scrolls and murals in temples to intricate sculptures of the Buddha.

4. Islam - Islamic art is known for its intricate geometric patterns and calligraphy. Islamic art also includes paintings, pottery, and textiles.

5. Judaism - Judaism has been represented in various artworks, including illuminated manuscripts, paintings, and sculptures. Jewish themes and symbolism have also been incorporated in Christian artworks.

6. Ancient Egyptian Religion - Ancient Egyptian religion has been depicted in art for thousands of years. It is famous for its monumental sculptures, hieroglyphics, and elaborate tomb paintings.

7. Native American Religions - Native American religious art has been a significant influence on American art. It includes carvings, masks, and paintings that represent spirits or gods.

Religion has been a constant theme in art for centuries and continues to inspire and influence artists across the world.

Religious paintings have been popular throughout history and continue to be well-regarded today. This is largely due to their ability to evoke powerful emotions and convey complex spiritual concepts through imagery. Many of the world’s most famous artists, such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael, created masterpieces featuring religious subjects. Religious paintings are also valued for their historical and cultural significance, as they represent the social and religious conditions of the time in which they were created. For many people, religious paintings serve as a source of comfort and inspiration, and they are often displayed in homes, churches, and other places of worship.

Analyses Famous Religious Paintings

1. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci: The painting depicts the moment when Jesus announced that one of his disciples would betray him. The use of perspective, light and shadow create a sense of depth and realism, and the expressions of the disciples convey a range of emotions from surprise to sorrow.

2. The Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Michelangelo: The masterpiece includes nine scenes from the Book of Genesis that show the creation story, including the iconic image of God reaching out to touch Adam's finger. The painting captures the power and majesty of God, and its vibrant colors and intricate details make it a remarkable work of art.

3. The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci: The painting depicts the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and John the Baptist in a rocky landscape outside of Jerusalem. The use of chiaroscuro creates a sense of depth and texture, and the gestures of the figures convey a sense of movement and emotion.

4. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo: The painting is located on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and depicts the moment when God gave life to Adam, as told in the Book of Genesis. The image shows the hands of God and Adam almost touching, evoking a sense of intimacy and closeness, and their positions in the composition reflect the shape of the human brain.

Overall, these religious paintings capture important moments in Christian history and mythology, using powerful visual language to convey spiritual themes and emotions.

Handmade Religious Painting is Better Than Religious Prints

1. Uniqueness: Handmade religious paintings are typically one-of-a-kind, with small variations in brushstrokes, colors, and overall composition. This uniqueness can make them more special and meaningful to the owner, as they are not mass-produced like prints.

2. Craftsmanship: Handmade religious paintings are typically created with great care and skill, with attention paid to detail, composition, and color. This level of craftsmanship can make them more visually striking and aesthetically pleasing than mass-produced prints.

3. Tradition: Religious artwork has a long history of being created by hand, often by skilled artists working in religious communities. By owning a handmade religious painting, one may be connecting with that tradition and honoring the work of these artists.

4. Investment: Handmade religious paintings can also hold value as an investment, particularly if they are created by well-known or highly skilled artists. As such, they may be seen as a more valuable possession than a mass-produced print.

5. Religious Significance: For some people, the religious significance of a handmade painting may hold more weight than a print. The time and effort put into creating the artwork by hand can be seen as a sign of dedication to the religious message or story being depicted.

The Features of Religious Oil Paintings

Religious oil paintings are a popular form of art that depicts religious figures, stories, and themes. Some of the features of religious oil paintings are:

1. Rich colors: Religious oil paintings are known for their rich, vibrant colors. The colors used in these paintings are often symbolic and represent specific themes, such as red for blood or sacrifice, blue for heaven or eternity, and green for hope or new beginnings.

2. Realistic portrayal: Religious oil paintings often portray religious figures in a realistic manner. The artists strive for accuracy in the details of the figures’ faces, clothing, and surroundings.

3. Symbolic elements: Religious oil paintings often include symbolic elements that represent specific themes or stories from religious texts. For example, the dove represents the Holy Spirit and the cross represents the crucifixion of Jesus.

4. Emotional impact: Religious oil paintings are often created to evoke a strong emotional response from the viewer. The paintings may depict scenes of suffering, love, or devotion that resonate deeply with believers.

5. Historical significance: Many religious oil paintings have historical significance, as they were created during important periods in religious history. They may also reflect the cultural and artistic styles of the time in which they were created.

Overall, religious oil paintings are valued for their beauty, symbolism, and ability to inspire contemplation and devotion in viewers.

The Subjects of Religious Paintings

Religious paintings depict a range of subjects, typically based on stories or events from various religious traditions. Some of the most common subjects of religious paintings include:

1. Biblical scenes: Depictions of stories from the Bible, including the Nativity, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection.

2. Saints: Paintings of holy men and women from Christian history, often depicted in traditional poses and with recognizable attributes (e.g. St. Catherine of Alexandria and her wheel).

3. Angels: Portraits of celestial beings described in various religious texts, often portrayed as messengers from God or as guardians.

4. Mythological beings: Pictures of supernatural creatures from mythologies around the world, including mermaids, dragons, and unicorns.

5. Miracles: Scenes showcasing miraculous events reported in various religions, such as the water turned to wine at the marriage in Cana.

6. Devotional images: Pictures intended for personal prayer and meditation, such as images of the Virgin Mary with the Christ child or the Madonna and Child.

7. Apocalyptic scenes: Depictions of the end of the world or the Last Judgment, usually showing Christ descending from the heavens and angels separating the saved from the damned.

Overall, the wide range of religious subjects depicted in art reflects the diversity of religious beliefs around the world and throughout history.

The Elements of Religious Paintings

Religious paintings often feature several elements that convey the religious message or story being depicted. Some of these elements include:

1. Iconography: Religious paintings often rely on a system of symbols and signs to convey their meaning. For example, in Christian art, the halo is often used to symbolize holiness, while the cross is a symbol of sacrifice and redemption.

2. Narrative: Religious paintings often tell the story of a religious event or figure. These narratives may be drawn from scripture or from religious tradition.

3. Figures: Religious paintings often feature figures that are central to the religious story being depicted. These figures may include prophets, saints, or deities.

4. Color: Color can play an important role in religious paintings. For example, in Christian art, the color red may be used to symbolize the blood of Christ, while blue may be used to represent the Virgin Mary.

5. Setting: The setting of a religious painting can also convey important information about the religious story being depicted. For example, a painting of the Nativity may include a stable or manger, while a painting of the Crucifixion may include the hill of Golgotha.

6. Composition: The composition of a religious painting can also be significant. For example, a painting of the Last Supper may be composed to emphasize the central role of Jesus in the scene, while a painting of the Resurrection may be composed to emphasize the triumph of life over death.

The Religious Oil Paintings Hand Painted by Toperfect

Toperfect is an online art gallery that offers a wide variety of hand-painted oil paintings, including religious themes. Their artists are skilled in painting various subjects and styles, including classical, impressionist, and contemporary.

Religious oil paintings are paintings that depict scenes or figures from various religions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and more. They could be depicting significant historical or mythical events, or simply serve as a representation of the religion's central figures, symbols, and iconography.

Traditional religious oil paintings are usually painted in a realistic and detailed style, with a focus on the use of light, composition, and color to create an emotional impact on the viewer. However, contemporary artists may experiment with a range of techniques, materials and styles to create more abstract or interpretational representations.

Toperfect offers a variety of religious oil paintings for sale, including iconic religious figures like Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Hindu gods, as well as scenes from the Bible or other important religious texts. Each painting is hand-painted by their skilled artists, using high-quality materials and techniques to produce vibrant, detailed, and emotionally resonant works of art.

302 Religious Paintings for Sale. Satisfaction Guaranteed 100%!
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buddha taking care of a sick monk as a fraternal duty and model example for his monks to emulate Buddhism
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buddha taking care of a sick monk as a fraternal duty and model example for his monks to emulate Buddhism

buddha preaching peace at a dispute over the watter supply of the rohini river Buddhism
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buddha tamed a celestial ogre alavaka who took refuge in the triple gem of buddhism Buddhism
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prince siddhattha attained supreme enlightenment and became the buddha Buddhism

Monks in Grove Vietnamese Asian Buddhism
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buddha expounding a doctrine to baka brahma in the higher heaven Buddhism

sleeping Buddha in lotus Buddhism
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sleeping Buddha in lotus Buddhism

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buddha reestioned a haughty hermit saccaka after being defeated Buddhism

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mahaparinibbana the buddha final passing away for the attainment of the ultimate deliverance Buddhism

buddha subdued the celestial dragon nandopananda through his desciple maha moggalana Buddhism
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buddha subdued the celestial dragon nandopananda through his desciple maha moggalana Buddhism

tapussa and bhallika received eight strands of hair from the buddha as sacred objects of veneration Buddhism
Religious Painting - tapussa and bhallika received eight strands of hair from the buddha as sacred objects of veneration Buddhism

tapussa and bhallika received eight strands of hair from the buddha as sacred objects of veneration Buddhism

prince siddhattha going forth in his renunciation of the wordly life Buddhism
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prince siddhattha going forth in his renunciation of the wordly life Buddhism

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Crucifixion detail1 Italian Tintoretto religious Christian

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Religious Painting - The Lights of Christmastown church

The Lights of Christmastown church

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Woman and Sardar Playing Polo religious Islam

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Mahmoud Farshchian 24 religious Islam

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Peter Paul Rubens on anniversary of american invasionism religious Islam

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Religious Painting - JESUS HEALS THE DAUGHTER OF JAIRUS religious Christian


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Jesus holding the world religious Christian

The Lamentation of Christ biblical Anthony van Dyck
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The Last Supper figure Pascal Dagnan Bouveret religious Christian
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The Last Supper figure Pascal Dagnan Bouveret religious Christian

Lamentaion Over The Dead Christ religious Domenico Ghirlandaio
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Lamentaion Over The Dead Christ religious Domenico Ghirlandaio

Self Portrait with Yellow Christ Paul Gauguin
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The Dead Christ religious Italian painter Bartolomeo Vivarini
Religious Painting - The Dead Christ religious Italian painter Bartolomeo Vivarini

The Dead Christ religious Italian painter Bartolomeo Vivarini

Crucifixion painter Andrea Mantegna religious Christian
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Crucifixion painter Andrea Mantegna religious Christian

Christ And The Adulteress Lucas Cranach the Elder
Religious Painting - Christ And The Adulteress Lucas Cranach the Elder

Christ And The Adulteress Lucas Cranach the Elder

Christ Healing the Blind 1577 religious El Greco
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Christ Healing the Blind 1577 religious El Greco

Jesus of Black religious Christian
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Jesus of Black religious Christian

The Entombment of Christ Guercino
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The Entombment of Christ Guercino

JESUS PRECHANT SUR LA MONTAGNE painter Gustave Dore religious Christian
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Jesus on sea religious Christian
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Jesus on sea religious Christian

Jesus shepherd welcome to home religious Christian
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Jesus shepherd welcome to home religious Christian

Christ at Simon the Pharisee Peter Paul Rubens
Religious Painting - Christ at Simon the Pharisee Peter Paul Rubens

Christ at Simon the Pharisee Peter Paul Rubens

Angels Weeping over the Dead Christ Guercino
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Angels Weeping over the Dead Christ Guercino

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jesus blesses the nephite children 2 religious Christian

Crucifixion peasant genre Pieter Brueghel the Younger religious Christian
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Christ And The Adulteress Lorenzo Lotto
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Christ And The Adulteress Lorenzo Lotto

Christ Cleansing The Temple Luca Giordano
Religious Painting - Christ Cleansing The Temple Luca Giordano

Christ Cleansing The Temple Luca Giordano

Baptism Of Christ 1486 religious Domenico Ghirlandaio
Religious Painting - Baptism Of Christ 1486 religious Domenico Ghirlandaio

Baptism Of Christ 1486 religious Domenico Ghirlandaio

triumphalentry religious Christian
Religious Painting - triumphalentry religious Christian

triumphalentry religious Christian

The Last Supper religious Jacopo da Ponte religious Jacopo Bassano religious Christian
Religious Painting - The Last Supper religious Jacopo da Ponte religious Jacopo Bassano religious Christian

The Last Supper religious Jacopo da Ponte religious Jacopo Bassano religious Christian

Dance of Grace Keathley4 religious Christian
Religious Painting - Dance of Grace Keathley4 religious Christian

Dance of Grace Keathley4 religious Christian

mother of jesus religious Christian
Religious Painting - mother of jesus religious Christian

mother of jesus religious Christian

Christ Healing by the Well of Bethesda religion Carl Heinrich Bloch
Religious Painting - Christ Healing by the Well of Bethesda religion Carl Heinrich Bloch

Christ Healing by the Well of Bethesda religion Carl Heinrich Bloch

Christ between the Baptist and the Satan Disguised as an Old Man 15078 religion Pietro Perugino
Religious Painting - Christ between the Baptist and the Satan Disguised as an Old Man 15078 religion Pietro Perugino

Christ between the Baptist and the Satan Disguised as an Old Man 15078 religion Pietro Perugino

Christ And The Samaritan Woman Italian painter Bernardo Strozzi
Religious Painting - Christ And The Samaritan Woman Italian painter Bernardo Strozzi

Christ And The Samaritan Woman Italian painter Bernardo Strozzi

Lamentation of Christ Peter Paul Rubens
Religious Painting - Lamentation of Christ Peter Paul Rubens

Lamentation of Christ Peter Paul Rubens

Jesus Shepherd of the World religious Christian
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Jesus Shepherd of the World religious Christian

Christ on the Cross with Donors religion Quentin Matsys
Religious Painting - Christ on the Cross with Donors religion Quentin Matsys

Christ on the Cross with Donors religion Quentin Matsys

Jesus Washing The Apostles Feet religious Christian
Religious Painting - Jesus Washing The Apostles Feet religious Christian

Jesus Washing The Apostles Feet religious Christian

Christ in the Garden Supported by an Angel Paolo Veronese
Religious Painting - Christ in the Garden Supported by an Angel Paolo Veronese

Christ in the Garden Supported by an Angel Paolo Veronese

The Dead Christ religious Vittore Carpaccio
Religious Painting - The Dead Christ religious Vittore Carpaccio

The Dead Christ religious Vittore Carpaccio

The Last Supper renaissance mannerism Andrea del Sarto religious Christian
Religious Painting - The Last Supper renaissance mannerism Andrea del Sarto religious Christian

The Last Supper renaissance mannerism Andrea del Sarto religious Christian

Christ Carrying The Cross Flemish peasant Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Religious Painting - Christ Carrying The Cross Flemish peasant Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Christ Carrying The Cross Flemish peasant Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Last supper without Judas religious Christian
Religious Painting - Last supper without Judas religious Christian

Last supper without Judas religious Christian

The Last Supper Italian Tintoretto religious Christian
Religious Painting - The Last Supper Italian Tintoretto religious Christian

The Last Supper Italian Tintoretto religious Christian

Christ In The House Of Simon religious Dirk Bouts
Religious Painting - Christ In The House Of Simon religious Dirk Bouts

Christ In The House Of Simon religious Dirk Bouts

South View of Christ Church etc from the Meadows landscape Joseph Mallord William Turner
Religious Painting - South View of Christ Church etc from the Meadows landscape Joseph Mallord William Turner

South View of Christ Church etc from the Meadows landscape Joseph Mallord William Turner

The Last Supper pre Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian
Religious Painting - The Last Supper pre Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian

The Last Supper pre Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian

jesus watching over jesus religious Christian
Religious Painting - jesus watching over jesus religious Christian

jesus watching over jesus religious Christian

Mocking of Christ religious Annibale Carracci
Religious Painting - Mocking of Christ religious Annibale Carracci

Mocking of Christ religious Annibale Carracci

Christ at the Sea of Galilee Italian Tintoretto
Religious Painting - Christ at the Sea of Galilee Italian Tintoretto

Christ at the Sea of Galilee Italian Tintoretto

angel gabriel appear stomary religious Christian
Religious Painting - angel gabriel appear stomary religious Christian

angel gabriel appear stomary religious Christian

Scenes from the Passion of Christ 1470 religious Hans Memling
Religious Painting - Scenes from the Passion of Christ 1470 religious Hans Memling

Scenes from the Passion of Christ 1470 religious Hans Memling

Last Supper copy Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian
Religious Painting - Last Supper copy Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian

Last Supper copy Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian

The Christian Martyrs Last Prayer Jean Leon Gerome
Religious Painting - The Christian Martyrs Last Prayer Jean Leon Gerome

The Christian Martyrs Last Prayer Jean Leon Gerome

Jesus among the Doctors in the Temple Paolo Veronese religious Christian
Religious Painting - Jesus among the Doctors in the Temple Paolo Veronese religious Christian

Jesus among the Doctors in the Temple Paolo Veronese religious Christian

Christ in his Glory religion Pietro Perugino
Religious Painting - Christ in his Glory religion Pietro Perugino

Christ in his Glory religion Pietro Perugino

Last Supper 1486 religious Domenico Ghirlandaio religious Christian
Religious Painting - Last Supper 1486 religious Domenico Ghirlandaio religious Christian

Last Supper 1486 religious Domenico Ghirlandaio religious Christian

Jesus at Bethany James Jacques Joseph Tissot religious Christian
Religious Painting - Jesus at Bethany James Jacques Joseph Tissot religious Christian

Jesus at Bethany James Jacques Joseph Tissot religious Christian

Lamentation Over The Dead Christ Italian painter Bernardo Strozzi
Religious Painting - Lamentation Over The Dead Christ Italian painter Bernardo Strozzi

Lamentation Over The Dead Christ Italian painter Bernardo Strozzi

The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian
Religious Painting - The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian

The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci religious Christian

Crucifixion Triptych religious Rogier van der Weyden religious Christian
Religious Painting - Crucifixion Triptych religious Rogier van der Weyden religious Christian

Crucifixion Triptych religious Rogier van der Weyden religious Christian

Crucifixion early Paolo Uccello religious Christian
Religious Painting - Crucifixion early Paolo Uccello religious Christian

Crucifixion early Paolo Uccello religious Christian

Totally 302 Religious Art Paintings for Sale

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