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Chinese Paintings for Sale

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Chinese Paintings
List of Famous Chinese Painters:
陈逸飞 Chen Yifei >>
八大山人 朱耷 Bada Shanren Zhu Da >>
蓝瑛 Lan Ying >>
郎世宁 Lang Shining Giuseppe Castiglione >>
林风眠 Lin Fengmian >>
马远 Ma Yuan >>
倪瓒 Ni Zan >>
齐白石 Qi Baishi >>
钱选 Qian Xuan >>
仇英 Qiu Ying >>
沈周 Shen Zhou >>
石涛 Shitao Shi Tao >>
唐寅 唐伯虎 Tang Yin Bohu >>
吴昌硕 Wu Changshuo Changshi >>
吴作人 Wu Zuoren >>
徐悲鸿 Xu Beihong Ju Peon >>
徐渭 Xu Wei >>
张大千 Zhang Daqian Chang Dai chien >>
宋徽宗 赵佶 Zhao Ji Song Huizong >>
郑板桥 郑燮 Zheng Banqiao Zheng Xie >>

Here is Chinese art in subjects of Abstract ladies, Life in Farms, and famous Chinese paintings by artist Chen Yifei. You're suggested to click subcatalogues at left to narrow your selections. Oil painting is exotic and was gradually accepted by Chinese painters because its techniques have something in common with ancient Chinese art. China paintings has been characterized by the combined influence of Chinese and Western cultures in the course of it’s development; and has gradually formed it’s unique characteristics in the using water, colors and brushes, etc..

Many notable China paintings are homegrown with the bulk of them coming from notable artists. It’s rare to get quality China paintings outside of the area, and collectors have made note of how culturally appealing China paintings are to have in their collection. The landscape paintings from China represented are one of a kind, with each one following the same traditional format but telling a completely different story. Even when a non-local painter outside of China attempts to catch the magic of the country, it is beautiful, but often takes the look of a tourist’s view rather than a person who grew up around the culture. Because of this, China oil paintings can be a very good pickup for interested collectors.

One of the oldest and respected painting traditions in the world, Chinese paintings are considered the ultimate discipline to master in painting. It can mix a variety of styles, but the base stems from calligraphy, which in itself is hard to master. Chinese oil paintings can be brilliant in color, but the main focus is on tradition, which can be virtually impossible for outsiders to follow. Chinese paintings are in high regard because of this, with the root talents going back generations and even into BC. Notable names with Chinese paintings are Ma Lin, Liu Songnian, Gu Kaizhi and Zhang Shengwen. -- The Copyright of Scripts is Reserved by Toperfect.

The Auction Records and Prices of Famous Chinese Paintings

There have been several Chinese paintings that have set auction records and fetched high prices in recent years. Here are some notable examples:

1. "Peach Blossom Spring," by Zhang Daqian: Sold for $34.88 million at Sotheby's Hong Kong in 2016.

2. "Five Drunken Princes Returning on Horseback," by Ren Renfa: Sold for $41.8 million at China Guardian Auctions in 2017.

3. "Pine Tree in Snow," by Xu Naigu: Sold for $66.3 million at Poly Auctions in 2017.

4. "Six Dragons," by Chen Rong: Sold for $48.2 million at China Guardian Auctions in 2018.

5. "Eagle Standing on Pine Tree," by Qi Baishi: Sold for $140.8 million at China Guardian Auctions in 2017, setting a world record for a work by a Chinese artist.

Note that these prices are subject to fluctuations and may vary depending on the location, auction house, and other factors.

Chinese Oil Paintings as Wall Art for Room Decor

Chinese oil paintings can be a great addition to any room decor as they add a touch of elegance and sophistication. These paintings are known for their use of bold colors, intricate details, and unique themes that depict Chinese culture.

Here are some tips on how to incorporate Chinese oil paintings as wall art for room decor:

1. Choose a theme: Chinese oil paintings are available in a wide range of themes such as landscapes, flora and fauna, figures, and abstract art. Choose a theme that would complement your room decor and style.

2. Pick the right size: The size of the painting should be proportional to the size of the wall. If you have a large wall, consider a big painting or group smaller ones together to create a gallery wall.

3. Setting the mood: Chinese oil paintings have a calming effect on the psyche, so consider displaying them in spaces where you want to create a peaceful atmosphere. For example, the living room or bedroom.

4. Coordinate with furniture: Coordinate the color scheme of the painting with the colors in your furniture or accent pieces in the room.

5. Proper lighting: Proper lighting can enhance the beauty of your Chinese oil painting. Consider placing the painting where there is natural light or create strategic lighting to highlight the painting.

6. Matting and framing: Choose a frame that complements the painting and your room decor. Ensure that the matting is also of a complementary color.

Finally, when choosing a Chinese oil painting, go for quality over quantity. Invest in a high-quality piece that will be a timeless addition to your room decor.

Is Chinese Paintings Popular?

Yes, Chinese paintings are popular, both within China and worldwide. Not only do they reflect the traditional Chinese culture and aesthetics, but they also showcase the skill and artistry of the painters. Many Chinese painting genres, such as landscapes, calligraphy, and figures, have been widely appreciated and collected for centuries. In recent years, Chinese contemporary art has also gained popularity.

Analyses Famous Chinese Oil Paintings

1. “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” by Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145)

This famous scroll painting depicts life in the Northern Song dynasty capital of Bianjing (modern-day Kaifeng) during the Qingming Festival, a time when Chinese people visit their ancestral graves to pay respect to their ancestors. The painting is known for its intricate depiction of early urban life in China, with the artist depicting hundreds of people engaged in various everyday activities.

2. “The Founding Ceremony of the Nation” by Xu Beihong (1895-1953)

This oil painting depicts the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, which took place on October 1, 1949, in Tiananmen Square. The painting is notable for its depiction of Communist Party leader Mao Zedong in the center, surrounded by other important figures of the Chinese Communist Party.

3. “The Golden Valley” by Qi Baishi (1864-1957)

This painting by the Chinese artist Qi Baishi depicts a group of birds flying over a mountain range. The artist was known for his ability to capture the essence of nature in his works, and this painting is no exception. The bright colors and delicate brushstrokes make it one of the most famous Chinese oil paintings ever created.

4. “Goddess of the Luo River” by Gu Kaizhi (ca. 344-406)

This ancient Chinese painting is considered one of the earliest examples of traditional Chinese landscape painting. The painting depicts a female deity, the Goddess of the Luo River, who is believed to protect fishermen and sailors who navigate the river. The painting is highly regarded for its technical execution, the use of symbolism, and the balance between the human and natural elements in the painting.

5. “The White Haired Girl” by Pan Yuliang (1895-1977)

This painting is based on a famous Chinese operatic ballet that tells the story of a young peasant girl who is forced into a life of servitude by her cruel stepmother. The painting is notable for its depiction of the young girl, who is shown with long, flowing white hair, which is said to symbolize both her purity and her suffering. The painting is a powerful portrayal of the challenges faced by ordinary people in China's rural communities during the mid-20th century.

The Features of Chinese Oil Paintings

Chinese oil paintings are a fusion of traditional Chinese art with Western painting techniques. Here are some key features of Chinese oil paintings:

1. Traditional Chinese themes: Many Chinese oil paintings focus on traditional Chinese subjects such as landscapes, figures, animals, flowers, and birds.

2. Brushwork: Chinese oil paintings are characterized by their use of traditional Chinese brushwork techniques. These techniques involve creating a balance between the use of a thick and thin brush, as well as the use of different textures.

3. Color: Color is an important feature in Chinese oil paintings. These paintings often use muted and subdued colors, with an emphasis on pastel and earthy tones. The use of bold and bright colors is rare.

4. Composition: Chinese oil paintings often have a simplified and balanced composition. They typically have a clear central focus and a balanced use of negative space.

5. Fusion of cultures: Chinese oil paintings often blend elements of traditional Chinese art with Western painting techniques. This results in a unique fusion of cultures that is distinct from other styles of oil painting.

6. Symbolism: Chinese oil paintings often include symbolism, with objects and animals representing different meanings and concepts.

7. Texture: Chinese oil paintings often have a textured surface, created by layering paint and using different brush techniques. This adds depth and dimension to the painting.

Handmade Chinese Painting vs. Prints

Chinese painting is one of the oldest and most highly respected art forms in the world. It is a discipline that emphasizes the traditional techniques of brushwork and ink, and creates a sense of motion and vitality within the artwork. Handmade Chinese paintings are created by artists who have spent years mastering these techniques and employing their own unique styles to create a piece of art that is truly one-of-a-kind.

On the other hand, Chinese prints are mass-produced reproductions created through various mechanical or digital processes. While they may be affordable and widely available, they lack the individuality and character of handmade paintings.

Moreover, handmade Chinese paintings often showcase individuality and have unique styles, while prints are a reproduction of the original artwork. Due to the digital manipulation involved in the creation of prints, they tend to have lesser details and depth, making the original artwork seem flat.

In conclusion, both handmade Chinese paintings and Chinese prints have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, handmade paintings are generally more highly valued due to their intrinsic value, individuality, and the mastery of the artist's skills.

The Chinese Oil Paintings Hand Painted by Toperfect

Toperfect is a professional art gallery that offers a range of Chinese oil paintings hand painted by skilled artists. The gallery has a vast collection of oil paintings ranging from traditional Chinese artwork to contemporary pieces.

The Chinese oil paintings offered by Toperfect are created using high-quality materials and techniques that result in excellent quality pieces. The artists use traditional techniques such as gongbi and xieyi to create stunning pieces that capture the beauty of Chinese art.

The gallery offers a range of subjects, including landscape paintings, portrait paintings, animal paintings, and still-life paintings. Additionally, they offer custom paintings that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the client.

The Chinese oil paintings offered by Toperfect are perfect for those looking to decorate their homes, offices, or businesses with unique and high-quality pieces. They are also ideal for collectors who are interested in adding Chinese art to their collections.

In conclusion, Toperfect is an excellent choice for those looking to purchase Chinese oil paintings that are hand painted by skilled artists using traditional techniques. With their vast collection and ability to create custom pieces, they are sure to have something for everyone.

The Subjects of Chinese Paintings

The subjects of Chinese paintings vary greatly depending on the artist and the time period. However, some common subject matters in traditional Chinese painting include:

1. Landscapes: This is one of the most popular subject matters in Chinese painting. It can range from idealized landscapes to actual locations, and often includes mountains, rivers, and forests.

2. Flowers and Birds: This subject matter focuses on the beauty of nature and often depicts different types of flowers, birds, and insects.

3. Calligraphy and Poetry: Chinese painting often incorporates calligraphy and poetry as decorative elements or as the main subject matter.

4. People and Portraits: This subject matter includes paintings of people from different social classes, including emperors, officials, scholars, and ordinary people.

5. Animals: Animals have always had an important place in traditional Chinese culture, and they often appear in paintings, either as realistic depictions or as symbolic representations.

6. Mythological and Religious Scenes: These paintings include scenes from Chinese mythology and religion, often portraying gods, goddesses, and other mythical creatures.

7. Still Life: This subject matter emphasizes everyday objects such as fruit, utensils, and textiles, often painted with a high level of realism.

Overall, Chinese paintings have a deep spiritual and cultural significance, and many of these subject matters are symbolic representations of Chinese philosophy and beliefs.

The Elements of Chinese Oil Paintings

Chinese oil paintings have their distinct elements, which make them unique and different from Western oil paintings. The following are the key elements of Chinese oil paintings:

1. Traditional Chinese painting techniques: The techniques used in traditional Chinese painting such as calligraphy and brushstrokes are reflected in Chinese oil paintings as well. The brushstrokes used in Chinese oil paintings are often less precise and more fluid than in Western paintings, reflecting the influence of traditional Chinese painting.

2. Cultural themes: Chinese oil paintings often depict cultural themes like nature, landscapes, still life, and portraits of famous individuals. These themes reflect traditional Chinese culture and aesthetics, which are deeply rooted in nature and harmony.

3. Meticulous detailing: Chinese oil paintings are known for their meticulous detailing, which reflects the importance of precision and accuracy in Chinese art. The paintings often feature a high level of realism, with intricate details carefully rendered.

4. Symbolism: Chinese oil paintings often include symbolic elements, such as flowers, birds, and other natural motifs, which carry special meanings in Chinese culture. These symbols add depth and significance to the paintings and reflect the importance of symbolism in Chinese art.

5. Fusion of East and West: Chinese oil paintings often blend elements of Eastern and Western art. For example, some artists may use Western techniques and styles of painting while incorporating traditional Chinese themes and motifs.

Overall, the elements of Chinese oil paintings reflect the unique cultural and artistic traditions of China, showcasing a distinct blend of traditional and contemporary forms.

1571 Chinese Paintings for Sale. Satisfaction Guaranteed 100%!
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Water Town in Lights of Dawn Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Water Town in Lights of Dawn Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Town in Lights of Dawn Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Town Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Water Town Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Town Chinese Chen Yifei

zg049cD Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - zg049cD Chinese painter Chen Yifei

zg049cD Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Happy Family Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Happy Family Chinese Chen Yifei

Happy Family Chinese Chen Yifei

Stony Path Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Stony Path Chinese Chen Yifei

Stony Path Chinese Chen Yifei

Beauty with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Beauty with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Beauty with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Yangtze River Delta Water Country 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Yangtze River Delta Water Country 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei

Yangtze River Delta Water Country 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei

Suzhou Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Suzhou Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei

Suzhou Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei

Young Cellist Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Young Cellist Chinese Chen Yifei

Young Cellist Chinese Chen Yifei

Occupation Of The Presidential Palace 1976 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Occupation Of The Presidential Palace 1976 Chinese Chen Yifei

Occupation Of The Presidential Palace 1976 Chinese Chen Yifei

River Village Series Chinese Chen Yifei
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River Village Series Chinese Chen Yifei

Dreaming Girl Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Dreaming Girl Chinese Chen Yifei

Dreaming Girl Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Oars Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Water Towns Oars Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Oars Chinese Chen Yifei

Lady with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Lady with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Lady with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Jiangnan Countryside 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Jiangnan Countryside 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei

Jiangnan Countryside 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei

Blue Canal Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Blue Canal Chinese Chen Yifei

Blue Canal Chinese Chen Yifei

Two Beauties with Fans Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Two Beauties with Fans Chinese Chen Yifei

Two Beauties with Fans Chinese Chen Yifei

Spring to Southern China Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Spring to Southern China Chinese Chen Yifei

Spring to Southern China Chinese Chen Yifei

Oboist Girl Chinese Chen Yifei
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Female Performers Chinese Chen Yifei
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February Chinese Chen Yifei
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February Chinese Chen Yifei

Xunyang Rhyme Chinese Chen Yifei
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Xunyang Rhyme Chinese Chen Yifei

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Miss Sunshine Chinese Chen Yifei

yi017D Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - yi017D Chinese painter Chen Yifei

yi017D Chinese painter Chen Yifei

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Families at River Village Chinese Chen Yifei

zg053cD172 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - zg053cD172 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

zg053cD172 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Water Street in Ancient Town Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Water Street in Ancient Town Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Street in Ancient Town Chinese Chen Yifei

Playing Mahjong Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Playing Mahjong Chinese Chen Yifei

Playing Mahjong Chinese Chen Yifei

Meditation Chinese Chen Yifei
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Meditation Chinese Chen Yifei

The Place Played in Childhood Chinese Chen Yifei
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The Place Played in Childhood Chinese Chen Yifei

Mother and Children 2 Chinese Chen Yifei
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yi015D11 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
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yi015D11 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

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yi021D Chinese painter Chen Yifei

River Villages in Jiangnan Chinese Chen Yifei
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River Villages in Jiangnan Chinese Chen Yifei

Tibetan Family Chinese Chen Yifei
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Tibetan Family Chinese Chen Yifei

Beauty with a Yellow Fan Chinese Chen Yifei
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Beauty with a Yellow Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Girl with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei
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Girl with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Female Flutist Chinese Chen Yifei
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Female Flutist Chinese Chen Yifei

Memory of Shanghai Chinese Chen Yifei
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Memory of Shanghai Chinese Chen Yifei

Bridge in Tree Shadow Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Bridge in Tree Shadow Chinese Chen Yifei

Bridge in Tree Shadow Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Rhythm of Autumn Chinese Chen Yifei
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Water Towns Rhythm of Autumn Chinese Chen Yifei

Flutist 1987 Chinese Chen Yifei
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Flutist 1987 Chinese Chen Yifei

Cello Girl Chinese Chen Yifei
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Cello Girl Chinese Chen Yifei

Hudson River Valley 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Hudson River Valley 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei

Hudson River Valley 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei

Night Flute Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Night Flute Chinese Chen Yifei

Night Flute Chinese Chen Yifei

Shanghai Dream Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Shanghai Dream Chinese Chen Yifei

Shanghai Dream Chinese Chen Yifei

Mother and Kid Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Mother and Kid Chinese Chen Yifei

Mother and Kid Chinese Chen Yifei

Southern Chinese Riverside Town Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Southern Chinese Riverside Town Chinese Chen Yifei

Southern Chinese Riverside Town Chinese Chen Yifei

zg053cD131 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - zg053cD131 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

zg053cD131 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Autumn Dream Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Autumn Dream Chinese Chen Yifei

Autumn Dream Chinese Chen Yifei

chen yifei old dreams in shanghai
Chinese Painting - chen yifei old dreams in shanghai

chen yifei old dreams in shanghai

Early Autumn Suzhou Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Early Autumn Suzhou Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei

Early Autumn Suzhou Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei

yi009D11 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - yi009D11 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

yi009D11 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Ode of Yellow River 1972 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Ode of Yellow River 1972 Chinese Chen Yifei

Ode of Yellow River 1972 Chinese Chen Yifei

Zhou Town at Dawn Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Zhou Town at Dawn Chinese Chen Yifei

Zhou Town at Dawn Chinese Chen Yifei

zg053cD177 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - zg053cD177 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

zg053cD177 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Zhouzhuang Water Towns Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Zhouzhuang Water Towns Chinese Chen Yifei

Zhouzhuang Water Towns Chinese Chen Yifei

Golden Years Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Golden Years Chinese Chen Yifei

Golden Years Chinese Chen Yifei

zg053cD118 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - zg053cD118 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

zg053cD118 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Tibetan Noblewomen Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Tibetan Noblewomen Chinese Chen Yifei

Tibetan Noblewomen Chinese Chen Yifei

Female Piper Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Female Piper Chinese Chen Yifei

Female Piper Chinese Chen Yifei

Venitian Church Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Venitian Church Chinese Chen Yifei

Venitian Church Chinese Chen Yifei

Duet 1989 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Duet 1989 Chinese Chen Yifei

Duet 1989 Chinese Chen Yifei

Candlelight Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Candlelight Chinese Chen Yifei

Candlelight Chinese Chen Yifei

Father and Son Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Father and Son Chinese Chen Yifei

Father and Son Chinese Chen Yifei

Fluting Lady Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Fluting Lady Chinese Chen Yifei

Fluting Lady Chinese Chen Yifei

Wait for the Show Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Wait for the Show Chinese Chen Yifei

Wait for the Show Chinese Chen Yifei

Love Song 1995 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Love Song 1995 Chinese Chen Yifei

Love Song 1995 Chinese Chen Yifei

River Village Pier Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - River Village Pier Chinese Chen Yifei

River Village Pier Chinese Chen Yifei

Tibetans Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Tibetans Chinese Chen Yifei

Tibetans Chinese Chen Yifei

Snow covered Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Snow covered Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei

Snow covered Landscape Chinese Chen Yifei

Mountain Wind 1994 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Mountain Wind 1994 Chinese Chen Yifei

Mountain Wind 1994 Chinese Chen Yifei

River Villages Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - River Villages Chinese Chen Yifei

River Villages Chinese Chen Yifei

Lying Nude Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Lying Nude Chinese Chen Yifei

Lying Nude Chinese Chen Yifei

Spring Willows 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Spring Willows 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei

Spring Willows 1984 Chinese Chen Yifei

Musicians Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Musicians Chinese Chen Yifei

Musicians Chinese Chen Yifei

Quiet Evening Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Quiet Evening Chinese Chen Yifei

Quiet Evening Chinese Chen Yifei

Memory of XunYang Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Memory of XunYang Chinese Chen Yifei

Memory of XunYang Chinese Chen Yifei

zg053cD132 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - zg053cD132 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

zg053cD132 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Love of Zhouzhuang Ancient Town Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Love of Zhouzhuang Ancient Town Chinese Chen Yifei

Love of Zhouzhuang Ancient Town Chinese Chen Yifei

Water towns 1997 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Water towns 1997 Chinese Chen Yifei

Water towns 1997 Chinese Chen Yifei

Bridge River Village Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Bridge River Village Chinese Chen Yifei

Bridge River Village Chinese Chen Yifei

Woman With Guitar Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Woman With Guitar Chinese Chen Yifei

Woman With Guitar Chinese Chen Yifei

yi016D Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - yi016D Chinese painter Chen Yifei

yi016D Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Night of Opening 1989 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Night of Opening 1989 Chinese Chen Yifei

Night of Opening 1989 Chinese Chen Yifei

Hometown Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Hometown Chinese Chen Yifei

Hometown Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Snowing Days Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Water Towns Snowing Days Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Snowing Days Chinese Chen Yifei

String Quartet Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - String Quartet Chinese Chen Yifei

String Quartet Chinese Chen Yifei

Dance of Fan Chinese Chen Yifei
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Dance of Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Lyre Playing Chinese Chen Yifei
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Lyre Playing Chinese Chen Yifei

Zhouzhuang Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Zhouzhuang Chinese Chen Yifei

Zhouzhuang Chinese Chen Yifei

Moon on XiXiang 1994 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Moon on XiXiang 1994 Chinese Chen Yifei

Moon on XiXiang 1994 Chinese Chen Yifei

Dancers in Shanghai Beach Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Dancers in Shanghai Beach Chinese Chen Yifei

Dancers in Shanghai Beach Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Ripples Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Water Towns Ripples Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Ripples Chinese Chen Yifei

zg053cD124 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - zg053cD124 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

zg053cD124 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Lady on Carpet Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Lady on Carpet Chinese Chen Yifei

Lady on Carpet Chinese Chen Yifei

Dip Oars of Hometown Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Dip Oars of Hometown Chinese Chen Yifei

Dip Oars of Hometown Chinese Chen Yifei

zg053cD167 Chinese painter Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - zg053cD167 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

zg053cD167 Chinese painter Chen Yifei

Beauties for the Road 1988 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Beauties for the Road 1988 Chinese Chen Yifei

Beauties for the Road 1988 Chinese Chen Yifei

Old House Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Old House Chinese Chen Yifei

Old House Chinese Chen Yifei

Tibetan Family (2) Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Tibetan Family (2) Chinese Chen Yifei

Tibetan Family (2) Chinese Chen Yifei

Life in a Dream Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Life in a Dream Chinese Chen Yifei

Life in a Dream Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Bridge People Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Water Towns Bridge People Chinese Chen Yifei

Water Towns Bridge People Chinese Chen Yifei

Tibetan Girl 2004 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Tibetan Girl 2004 Chinese Chen Yifei

Tibetan Girl 2004 Chinese Chen Yifei

Clarinetist Lady Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Clarinetist Lady Chinese Chen Yifei

Clarinetist Lady Chinese Chen Yifei

Love in Sunshine 2004 Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Love in Sunshine 2004 Chinese Chen Yifei

Love in Sunshine 2004 Chinese Chen Yifei

Boating Family Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Boating Family Chinese Chen Yifei

Boating Family Chinese Chen Yifei

Woman with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Woman with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Woman with Fan Chinese Chen Yifei

Woman Playing Guitar Chinese Chen Yifei
Chinese Painting - Woman Playing Guitar Chinese Chen Yifei

Woman Playing Guitar Chinese Chen Yifei

Totally 1571 Chinese Art Paintings for Sale

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