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Joseph Mallord William Turner Paintings for Sale

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Joseph Mallord William Turner Paintings
Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1775-1851, was an English landscape painter of oils and watercolours. Turner art is regarded as a Romantic preface to Impressionism. Some of Turner paintings are cited as examples of abstract art. Art awards, the Turner Prize, and the Winsor Newton Turner Watercolour Award were named in his honour. In 2005, his The Fighting Temeraire was voted Britain's "greatest painting" in a public poll by the BBC. In 2006, La Donna Della Salute and San Giorgio was sold for US$35.8 million. In 2010, Modern Rome-Campo Vaccino was sold $44.9 million. -- Read Turner's biography >>

The Auction Records of Works by Joseph Mallord William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner was a prolific English landscape painter who is considered as one of the greatest painters of all time. Here are some of the auction records for his works:

1. "Modern Rome - Campo Vaccino" (1839) – Sold for $44,930,000 in 2014
"Modern Rome - Campo Vaccino" is an oil painting portraying the Roman Forum in a highly evocative and elaborated representation in vibrant colors. The painting is a perfect realization of Turner's mastery of light and shade and is widely regarded as one of the turning points of cinematic painting.

2. "Rome, from Mount Aventine" (1835) – Sold for £30,320,000 in 2014
"Rome, from Mount Aventine" is an oil painting showcasing the panoramic view of Rome from the Mount Aventine, one of the seven hills of ancient Rome. The painting is a prime illustration of Turner's sophisticated aesthetic and his remarkable skill in capturing the essence of light, atmosphere, and space.

3. "Ehrenbreitstein" (1835) – Sold for £18,500,000 in 2020
"Ehrenbreitstein" is an oil painting that portrays the fortress of Ehrenbreitstein standing on its hill, overlooking the Rhine valley in Germany. The painting is an excellent example of Turner's imaginative use of color and composition and his deep understanding of landscape and nature.

4. "Caligula's Palace and Bridge" (1831) – Sold for $4,470,000 in 2014
"Caligula's Palace and Bridge" is a watercolor painting that depicts the ancient Roman emperor Caligula's palace and a bridge spanning the Bay of Naples in Italy. The painting demonstrates Turner's mastery of the medium of watercolor and his ability to create a stunning depiction of light, color, and ambiance.

In conclusion, the auction records of Joseph Mallord William Turner underscore his esteemed position in the history of art. His paintings exude artistic mastery, imaginative vision, and technical brilliance, and are highly sought after by art collectors from around the world. His creations make a unique and valuable addition to any art collection and make a statement in any home decor.

The Biography of Artist Joseph Mallord William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner, better known as J.M.W. Turner, was an English painter and celebrated landscape artist. He was born on April 23, 1775, in Covent Garden, London, to a family of modest means. He showed an early interest in painting and entered the Royal Academy of Arts in London at the age of 14, where he was taught by notable artists such as Sir Joshua Reynolds.

In 1796, Turner exhibited his first work, "Fishermen at Sea," which was well-received by art critics. His early work reflected his interest in the Romantic movement, emphasizing emotions and intuition over reason and precision. Turner's style evolved over time, and he became known for his vivid, atmospheric landscapes and seascapes, often incorporating elements of light, color, and weather into his paintings.

Turner frequently traveled throughout Britain and Europe, and he was fascinated by the play of light and the ever-changing landscape. In 1802, he made his first trip to Switzerland, where he produced many paintings of the Swiss Alps, including "The Blue Rigi, Sunrise" and "The Red Rigi, Sunset." His works became increasingly abstract, and he experimented with techniques such as swirling brushstrokes and diffusing light to create a sense of movement.

Throughout his career, Turner's works frequently generated controversy, with some art critics claiming that his paintings were too unconventional and lacked detail. Despite this, Turner's fame continued to grow, and he was regarded as one of the most influential landscape painters of his time. He was made a member of the Royal Academy in 1802 and was appointed as its president in 1838.

Turner died on December 19, 1851, in Chelsea, London, at the age of 76. He left a legacy of more than 550 oil paintings and over 2,000 watercolors, many of which can be seen in major art museums throughout the world, including the National Gallery in London, the Louvre in Paris, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Today, Turner's works are highly prized and are considered to be among the most iconic and influential masterpieces in the history of art.

Analyses Famous Paintings by Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner is renowned for his vivid, atmospheric landscapes and seascapes. Here are some of his most famous paintings:

1. The Fighting Temeraire (1839)
"The Fighting Temeraire" depicts an old British warship being towed to the scrapyard by a steamboat. The painting is a metaphor for the decline of the British Empire and the end of the Age of Sail. Turner's use of color in this painting is particularly remarkable, with the bright golden light of the sunset contrasting with the dark, ominous tones of the boat.

2. Rain, Steam, and Speed (1844)
"Rain, Steam, and Speed" portrays a steam train racing across a bridge over the River Thames during a rainstorm. The painting captures the speed and power of the train, with the blurred, smoky background enhancing the sense of movement. Turner's use of light captures the effect of the sun breaking through a cloudy sky, creating a dramatic and moody atmosphere.

3. The Slave Ship (1840)
"The Slave Ship" depicts an infamous incident in which slaves were thrown overboard from a ship to collect insurance money. Turner's painting is a powerful indictment of the slave trade, with the dark stormy seas and the flailing bodies of the slaves creating a sense of chaos and horror. The painting also highlights Turner's interest in the abolitionist movement.

4. Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth (1842)
In "Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth," Turner portrays a steamboat battling a snowstorm off the coast of Britain. The painting is notable for its swirling, almost chaotic brushstrokes, which convey the ferocity of the storm. Turner's use of color also highlights the turbulence of the ocean, with the dark, ominous tones of the waves contrasting with the bright, white snowflakes.

In conclusion, Turner's paintings are known for their vibrant use of color, atmospheric landscapes, and seascapes, and powerful storytelling. His artworks, which often reflect societal issues of his time, remain timeless, influential, and continue to inspire art enthusiasts and collectors alike today.

The Features of Artworks by Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner is known for his distinctive style of painting, which set him apart from the other artists of his time. The following are some of the features of his artworks:

1. Use of Light: Turner's paintings often feature dramatic light effects, with the sun or moon breaking through the clouds, or a spark reflecting on a body of water. He used color and tone to create a sense of atmosphere and depth, which made his paintings come alive.

2. Emphasis on Atmosphere: Turner's artworks have a unique sense of atmosphere, capturing the essence of the natural world and its elements. He vividly depicts the mood and emotions of each landscape, often using condensed and blurred brushstrokes to make the picture flow gracefully.

3. Romanticism: Turner can be considered one of the most influential artists in the Romantic movement. His artworks feature dramatic scenes of nature, often depicting turbulent seas and tumultuous skies. He also frequently painted historical and mythological scenes and imbued them with a sense of drama and emotion.

4. Experimentation with Technique: Turner was an innovator and experimented with different techniques throughout his career. He used a variety of painting methods, building up layers of color and texture to create richly textured surfaces. In his later works, he applied layers of paint using a palette knife, creating complex and unique effects.

5. Sense of Movement: Turner’s paintings create a sense of movement and energy that gives his works a feeling of dynamism. He often blurred edges, distorted shapes, and shadows, and applied new paint over layers of older paint to create transparency and depth, making his paintings seem alive.

In conclusion, Turner's artworks are characterized by their dramatic use of light, unique atmosphere, sense of romanticism, experimentation with technique, and sense of movement. They are celebrated as some of the most innovative and beautiful masterpieces of the art world and continue to inspire generations with their beauty and creative vision.

Why Choose Turner Art as Home Decor?

Turner Art is an excellent choice for home decor for several reasons:

1. Vibrant Colors: J. M. W. Turner was known for his use of bold and vivid colors, which can add a striking and eye-catching element to any room. His use of colors can create a dramatic effect, particularly in landscape paintings where he conveyed the essence of light and nature.

2. Artistic Value: Turner was not only a master of colors but also a proficient artist. His paintings are not only beautiful to look at but also have artistic value, especially for those who appreciate historical art movements.

3. Versatility: Turner's work covers a wide range of themes and styles, from landscapes and seascapes to mythological and historical scenes. This versatility makes it easier to choose artwork that complements any home decor style.

4. Timeless Appeal: Turner's artworks continue to have a timeless appeal, and many of his paintings are considered masterpieces in the art world. By acquiring a piece of his artwork, you are bringing a part of history and culture into your home that has stood the test of time for over a century.

5. Inspiration: Turner's art can serve as a great source of inspiration, particularly for nature lovers and art enthusiasts. A painting such as "Rain, Steam, and Speed" can encourage one to reflect on the power and beauty of nature or to engage in philosophical questioning of the essence of movement.

As a result, Turner Art is an ideal choice for home decor, as it adds an artistic and inspirational element to any room while remaining versatile enough to suit any style.

How to Use Turner Oil Paintings as Wall Decor

J.M.W. Turner was an English Romantic painter known for his use of light, color, and movement in his paintings. Here are some tips on how to use his paintings as wall decor:

1. Choose A Painting That Fits Your Room: Consider the room where you want to hang the painting and choose a painting that fits the style, color scheme, and mood of the room. Turner's paintings often depict nature, landscapes, and historical events, so consider these themes when choosing a painting.

2. Choose the Size of Painting that Suits the Wall: Consider the size of the wall where you want to hang the painting. You can choose bigger paintings for a larger wall as a focal point but go for smaller works if the wall is already crowded.

3. Frame the Painting with the Right Frame: Turner's paintings can be framed in either ornate or minimalistic frames, depending on your preference. A simple frame can highlight the painting and a more elaborate frame can complement the painting's bold colors or intricate details.

4. Use Lighting to Enhance the Painting: Use ambient lighting or accent lighting to highlight the colors in the painting and create the mood of the space.
For instance, using soft warm light to create a cozy ambiance can be perfect if the painting is in a living room.

5. Group Paintings for Greater Impact: If you have multiple Turner paintings, consider grouping them together to create a themed gallery wall. Group paintings that have similar colors or themes to create visual balance on a wall.

In summary, J.M.W. Turner's oil paintings are timeless works of art that can be enjoyed for many years. By following these tips, you can use his paintings as wall decor to create a beautiful and cohesive home decor.

Joseph Mallord William Turner: Handmade Oil Painting Reproduction vs. Prints

Joseph Mallord William Turner was a British painter known for his unique use of light, color, and movement in his paintings. When it comes to buying Turner's paintings there are two options, handmade oil painting reproductions or prints. Here are some differences between the two:

1. Quality: The quality of a handmade oil painting reproduction is significantly higher than that of a print. Handmade oil paintings are recreated by skilled artists and artisans who use high-quality materials and techniques that can't be compared to the mass-produced prints.

2. Texture: Oil painting reproductions are created using paint, which has texture and depth that is impossible to recreate through prints. The brushstrokes and layers of paint can create a three-dimensional effect that you cannot see in a print.

3. Value: Handmade oil painting reproductions are considered more valuable than prints, as they are unique pieces of art that have been created by hand. The value of a print is determined by the number of prints produced, whereas the value of an oil painting reproduction is determined by the quality of the work and its rarity.

4. Durability: Oil painting reproductions are more durable than prints. Top quality handmade oil paintings will last for centuries, while prints will fade and deteriorate over time.

5. Uniqueness: Handmade oil painting reproductions are unique. Even though many artists have recreated Turner's paintings over the years, each painting has its distinct style based on the individual artist, creating a one-of-a-kind piece of art with unique features, unlike the latter prints.

In conclusion, while prints may be more affordable, handmade oil painting reproductions of Joseph Mallord William Turner's paintings are a superior investment that adds value to one's art collection. The unique quality and texture of hand-painted oil paintings create a lasting impression that can't be replicated by prints.

The Paintings of Turner Reproduced by Toperfect

Toperfect is a leading company in the reproduction of oil paintings, including works by J.M.W. Turner. Toperfect's team of skilled artists can reproduce Turner's paintings with great attention to detail and color accuracy, ensuring that the reproduced painting looks like the original.

Some of Turner's paintings that have been reproduced by Toperfect include "The Burning of the Houses of Parliament", "The Fighting Temeraire", "Rain, Steam, and Speed - The Great Western Railway", and "Snow Storm - Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth". These paintings capture Turner's unique style and use of light, color, and movement.

Toperfect reproduces the paintings on high-quality canvas using archival inks and pigments, ensuring that the colors remain vibrant and true to the original over time. The paintings can also be customized to suit individual preferences, including the size, the type of frame, and the finish.

By reproducing Turner's paintings, Toperfect enables art enthusiasts to enjoy these works of art in their own homes or businesses at an affordable price. As the reproduction is done by hand with great care, each painting is a unique piece of art that can be enjoyed for many years.

199 Joseph Mallord William Turner Paintings for Sale. Satisfaction Guaranteed 100%!
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Melrose Abbey Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Melrose Abbey Romantic Turner

Melrose Abbey Romantic Turner

Ancient Italy Ovid Banished from Rome Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Ancient Italy Ovid Banished from Rome Romantic Turner

Ancient Italy Ovid Banished from Rome Romantic Turner

Sunrise Whiting Fishing at Margate Romantic Turner
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Sunrise Whiting Fishing at Margate Romantic Turner

Venice Looking East from the Guidecca Sunrise landscape Turner
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Venice Looking East from the Guidecca Sunrise landscape Turner

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Virginia Water Romantic Turner

Venice San Guirgio from the Dogana Sunrise Romantic Turner
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Venice San Guirgio from the Dogana Sunrise Romantic Turner

Tabley the Seat of Sir JF Leicester Romantic Turner
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Keelman Heaving in Coals by Night Romantic Turner

Crossing the Brook Romantic Turner
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Crossing the Brook Romantic Turner

Scarborough Town and Castle Morning Boys Catching Crabs Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Scarborough Town and Castle Morning Boys Catching Crabs Romantic Turner

Scarborough Town and Castle Morning Boys Catching Crabs Romantic Turner

Valley of the Brook Kedron Romantic Turner
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Valley of the Brook Kedron Romantic Turner

Study Of A Castle By A Lake Romantic Turner
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Study Of A Castle By A Lake Romantic Turner

Louth Lincolnshire Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Louth Lincolnshire Romantic Turner

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Conway Castle Romantic Turner
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Conway Castle Romantic Turner

The Grand Canal Venice Romantic Turner
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The Grand Canal Venice Romantic Turner

Ariccia Sunset Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Ariccia Sunset Romantic Turner

Ariccia Sunset Romantic Turner

Rome St Peters from the Villa Barberini Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rome St Peters from the Villa Barberini Romantic Turner

Rome St Peters from the Villa Barberini Romantic Turner

Kenilworth Castle Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Kenilworth Castle Romantic Turner

Kenilworth Castle Romantic Turner

Popes Villa at Twickenham Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Popes Villa at Twickenham Romantic Turner

Popes Villa at Twickenham Romantic Turner

The Wreck of a Transport Ship Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Wreck of a Transport Ship Romantic Turner

The Wreck of a Transport Ship Romantic Turner

Kirby Londsale Churchyard Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Kirby Londsale Churchyard Romantic Turner

Kirby Londsale Churchyard Romantic Turner

Interior of Fountains Abbey Yorkshire Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Interior of Fountains Abbey Yorkshire Romantic Turner

Interior of Fountains Abbey Yorkshire Romantic Turner

Woolverhampton Staffordshire Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Woolverhampton Staffordshire Romantic Turner

Woolverhampton Staffordshire Romantic Turner

A Canal Tunnel Near Leeds Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - A Canal Tunnel Near Leeds Romantic Turner

A Canal Tunnel Near Leeds Romantic Turner

Fort Vimieux Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Fort Vimieux Romantic Turner

Fort Vimieux Romantic Turner

The Blue Rigi Lake of Lucerne Sunrise Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Blue Rigi Lake of Lucerne Sunrise Romantic Turner

The Blue Rigi Lake of Lucerne Sunrise Romantic Turner

Ivy Bridge Devonshire Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Ivy Bridge Devonshire Romantic Turner

Ivy Bridge Devonshire Romantic Turner

Fishermen at Sea The Cholmeley Sea Piece landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Fishermen at Sea The Cholmeley Sea Piece landscape Turner

Fishermen at Sea The Cholmeley Sea Piece landscape Turner

Shade and Darkness The Evening of The Deluge Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Shade and Darkness The Evening of The Deluge Turner

Shade and Darkness The Evening of The Deluge Turner

Windsor Castle from the Thames Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Windsor Castle from the Thames Romantic Turner

Windsor Castle from the Thames Romantic Turner

Caernarvon Castle Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Caernarvon Castle Romantic Turner

Caernarvon Castle Romantic Turner

Rome The Colosseum Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rome The Colosseum Romantic Turner

Rome The Colosseum Romantic Turner

The Lake of Thun Switzerland Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Lake of Thun Switzerland Romantic Turner

The Lake of Thun Switzerland Romantic Turner

Raby Castle the Seat of the Earl of Darlington landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Raby Castle the Seat of the Earl of Darlington landscape Turner

Raby Castle the Seat of the Earl of Darlington landscape Turner

What You Will Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - What You Will Romantic Turner

What You Will Romantic Turner

Fall of the Tees Yorkshire Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Fall of the Tees Yorkshire Romantic Turner

Fall of the Tees Yorkshire Romantic Turner

The fightingTemerairetugged to her last Berth to be broken up Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The fightingTemerairetugged to her last Berth to be broken up Romantic Turner

The fightingTemerairetugged to her last Berth to be broken up Romantic Turner

The Passage of the St Gothard 1804 Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Passage of the St Gothard 1804 Romantic Turner

The Passage of the St Gothard 1804 Romantic Turner

View over Town at Suset a Cemetery in the Foreground landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - View over Town at Suset a Cemetery in the Foreground landscape Turner

View over Town at Suset a Cemetery in the Foreground landscape Turner

Petworth the Drawing room Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Petworth the Drawing room Romantic Turner

Petworth the Drawing room Romantic Turner

Frosty Morning Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Frosty Morning Romantic Turner

Frosty Morning Romantic Turner

Moonlight A Stody at Millbank Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Moonlight A Stody at Millbank Romantic Turner

Moonlight A Stody at Millbank Romantic Turner

The exile and the snail Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The exile and the snail Romantic Turner

The exile and the snail Romantic Turner

Snow Storm Steam Boat off a Harbours Mouth Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Snow Storm Steam Boat off a Harbours Mouth Romantic Turner

Snow Storm Steam Boat off a Harbours Mouth Romantic Turner

Mountains Stream Coniston Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Mountains Stream Coniston Romantic Turner

Mountains Stream Coniston Romantic Turner

Dolbadern Castle 1799 Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Dolbadern Castle 1799 Romantic Turner

Dolbadern Castle 1799 Romantic Turner

Totnes in the River Dart Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Totnes in the River Dart Romantic Turner

Totnes in the River Dart Romantic Turner

Staffa Fingals Cave Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Staffa Fingals Cave Romantic Turner

Staffa Fingals Cave Romantic Turner

Petworth Park Tillington Church in the Distance landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Petworth Park Tillington Church in the Distance landscape Turner

Petworth Park Tillington Church in the Distance landscape Turner

Snowstorm Peace Burial at Sea 1842 Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Snowstorm Peace Burial at Sea 1842 Romantic Turner

Snowstorm Peace Burial at Sea 1842 Romantic Turner

The Devils Bridge St Gothard Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Devils Bridge St Gothard Romantic Turner

The Devils Bridge St Gothard Romantic Turner

The Chapter House Salisbury Cathedral Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Chapter House Salisbury Cathedral Romantic Turner

The Chapter House Salisbury Cathedral Romantic Turner

Slavers throwing overboard the death and dying landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Slavers throwing overboard the death and dying landscape Turner

Slavers throwing overboard the death and dying landscape Turner

Interior of Salisbury Cathedral Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Interior of Salisbury Cathedral Romantic Turner

Interior of Salisbury Cathedral Romantic Turner

Rome The Forum with a Rainbow Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rome The Forum with a Rainbow Romantic Turner

Rome The Forum with a Rainbow Romantic Turner

Rome from Mount Aventine Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rome from Mount Aventine Romantic Turner

Rome from Mount Aventine Romantic Turner

Rocky Bay with Figures Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rocky Bay with Figures Romantic Turner

Rocky Bay with Figures Romantic Turner

Boscastle Cornwall Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Boscastle Cornwall Romantic Turner

Boscastle Cornwall Romantic Turner

Rocky Bay with Figures2 Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rocky Bay with Figures2 Romantic Turner

Rocky Bay with Figures2 Romantic Turner

Wreckers Coast of Northumberland Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Wreckers Coast of Northumberland Romantic Turner

Wreckers Coast of Northumberland Romantic Turner

A Ship Aground Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - A Ship Aground Romantic Turner

A Ship Aground Romantic Turner

Dido Building Carthage The Rise of the Carthaginian Empire landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Dido Building Carthage The Rise of the Carthaginian Empire landscape Turner

Dido Building Carthage The Rise of the Carthaginian Empire landscape Turner

Approach to Venice 1843 Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Approach to Venice 1843 Romantic Turner

Approach to Venice 1843 Romantic Turner

The Bay of Baiae with Apollo and the Sibyl Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Bay of Baiae with Apollo and the Sibyl Romantic Turner

The Bay of Baiae with Apollo and the Sibyl Romantic Turner

Buttermere Lake A Shower Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Buttermere Lake A Shower Romantic Turner

Buttermere Lake A Shower Romantic Turner

Archway with Trees by the Sea Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Archway with Trees by the Sea Romantic Turner

Archway with Trees by the Sea Romantic Turner

Calais Pier with French Poissards Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Calais Pier with French Poissards Romantic Turner

Calais Pier with French Poissards Romantic Turner

Ingleborough From The Terrace Of Hornby Castle landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Ingleborough From The Terrace Of Hornby Castle landscape Turner

Ingleborough From The Terrace Of Hornby Castle landscape Turner

The Chain Pier Brighton Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Chain Pier Brighton Romantic Turner

The Chain Pier Brighton Romantic Turner

Kidwelly Castle Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Kidwelly Castle Romantic Turner

Kidwelly Castle Romantic Turner

Brunnen from the Lake of Lucerne Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Brunnen from the Lake of Lucerne Romantic Turner

Brunnen from the Lake of Lucerne Romantic Turner

First Rate taking in stores Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - First Rate taking in stores Romantic Turner

First Rate taking in stores Romantic Turner

Campo Santo Venice Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Campo Santo Venice Romantic Turner

Campo Santo Venice Romantic Turner

Lancaster Sands Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Lancaster Sands Romantic Turner

Lancaster Sands Romantic Turner

The Brunig Pass from Meringen Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Brunig Pass from Meringen Romantic Turner

The Brunig Pass from Meringen Romantic Turner

The Vale of Ashburnham Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Vale of Ashburnham Romantic Turner

The Vale of Ashburnham Romantic Turner

Falmouth Harbour Cornwall Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Falmouth Harbour Cornwall Romantic Turner

Falmouth Harbour Cornwall Romantic Turner

Keelmen heaving in coals by night Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Keelmen heaving in coals by night Romantic Turner

Keelmen heaving in coals by night Romantic Turner

Eruption of Vesuvius Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Eruption of Vesuvius Romantic Turner

Eruption of Vesuvius Romantic Turner

The Fifth Plague of Egypt 1800 Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Fifth Plague of Egypt 1800 Romantic Turner

The Fifth Plague of Egypt 1800 Romantic Turner

Rainbow A view on the Rhine from Dunkholder Vineyard of Osterspey Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rainbow A view on the Rhine from Dunkholder Vineyard of Osterspey Romantic Turner

Rainbow A view on the Rhine from Dunkholder Vineyard of Osterspey Romantic Turner

Prudhoe Castle Northumberland Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Prudhoe Castle Northumberland Romantic Turner

Prudhoe Castle Northumberland Romantic Turner

Weymouth Dorsetshire Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Weymouth Dorsetshire Romantic Turner

Weymouth Dorsetshire Romantic Turner

The Lake Petworth sunset fighting bucks Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Lake Petworth sunset fighting bucks Romantic Turner

The Lake Petworth sunset fighting bucks Romantic Turner

Rome from the Vatican 1820 Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rome from the Vatican 1820 Romantic Turner

Rome from the Vatican 1820 Romantic Turner

The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons Romantic Turner

The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons Romantic Turner

Ehrenbrietstein and Coblenz Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Ehrenbrietstein and Coblenz Romantic Turner

Ehrenbrietstein and Coblenz Romantic Turner

San Giorgio Maggiore in the morning Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - San Giorgio Maggiore in the morning Romantic Turner

San Giorgio Maggiore in the morning Romantic Turner

Norham Castle on the River Tweed Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Norham Castle on the River Tweed Romantic Turner

Norham Castle on the River Tweed Romantic Turner

South View of Christ Church etc from the Meadows landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - South View of Christ Church etc from the Meadows landscape Turner

South View of Christ Church etc from the Meadows landscape Turner

Folkestone from the Sea Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Folkestone from the Sea Romantic Turner

Folkestone from the Sea Romantic Turner

Cathedral Church at Lincoln Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Cathedral Church at Lincoln Romantic Turner

Cathedral Church at Lincoln Romantic Turner

Passage of Mount Cenis Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Passage of Mount Cenis Romantic Turner

Passage of Mount Cenis Romantic Turner

Santa Sabes and the Brook Kedron Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Santa Sabes and the Brook Kedron Romantic Turner

Santa Sabes and the Brook Kedron Romantic Turner

Mont Blanc from Fort Roch Val dAosta Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Mont Blanc from Fort Roch Val dAosta Romantic Turner

Mont Blanc from Fort Roch Val dAosta Romantic Turner

Welsh Bridge at Shrewsbury Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Welsh Bridge at Shrewsbury Romantic Turner

Welsh Bridge at Shrewsbury Romantic Turner

Rome From Monte Testaccio Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Rome From Monte Testaccio Romantic Turner

Rome From Monte Testaccio Romantic Turner

Chichester Canal Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Chichester Canal Romantic Turner

Chichester Canal Romantic Turner

Glacier and Source of the Arveron Going Up to the Mer de Glace landscape Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Glacier and Source of the Arveron Going Up to the Mer de Glace landscape Turner

Glacier and Source of the Arveron Going Up to the Mer de Glace landscape Turner

Stamford Lincolnshire Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Stamford Lincolnshire Romantic Turner

Stamford Lincolnshire Romantic Turner

Mortlake Terrace 1826 Romantic Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Mortlake Terrace 1826 Romantic Turner

Mortlake Terrace 1826 Romantic Turner

Scene on the Loire Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Scene on the Loire Turner

Scene on the Loire Turner

The Fighting Temeraire Tugged to her Last Berth to be Broken up Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Fighting Temeraire Tugged to her Last Berth to be Broken up Turner

The Fighting Temeraire Tugged to her Last Berth to be Broken up Turner

Norham Castle on the Tweed Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Norham Castle on the Tweed Turner

Norham Castle on the Tweed Turner

Venice seen from the Giudecca Canal Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Venice seen from the Giudecca Canal Turner

Venice seen from the Giudecca Canal Turner

Old London Brige Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Old London Brige Turner

Old London Brige Turner

Dutch Fishing Boats in a Storm Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Dutch Fishing Boats in a Storm Turner

Dutch Fishing Boats in a Storm Turner

Yacht Approaching the Coast Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - Yacht Approaching the Coast Turner

Yacht Approaching the Coast Turner

The Thames near Walton Bridges Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner Painting - The Thames near Walton Bridges Turner

The Thames near Walton Bridges Turner

Totally 199 Joseph Mallord William Turner Art Paintings for Sale

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