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Eugene Delacroix Paintings for Sale

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Eugene Delacroix Paintings
Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix, 1798-1863, was a French Romantic artist who inspired the artists of the Symbolist movement. Dramatic and romantic content characterized the central themes of mature Eugène Delacroix paintings, and led the painter not to the classical models of Greek and Roman art. The most influential Delacroix art came in 1830 with the oil painting Liberty Leading the People, the French government bought the work, it has been visible in the Louvre museum in Paris. In 1863, the society organized a retrospective exhibition of 248 paintings by Delacroix. -- Read Delacroix's biography >>

The Auction Records / Prices of Works by Eugène Delacroix

Eugène Delacroix was a prominent French painter of the 19th century known for his Romantic style and use of vivid colors, drama, and movement in his paintings. His works have been highly sought after at auction, with some reaching record-breaking prices. Here are some of the highest auction records of works by Eugène Delacroix:

1. "Les Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement" (1834): This painting depicting women in a harem sold for $179.4 million at Christie's New York in 2015, breaking the record for the most expensive painting ever sold at auction at that time.

2. "Les Noces de la Fée" (1850): This large-scale painting depicting a fairy wedding sold for €6.18 million (approximately $7.3 million) at Christie's Paris in 2013.

3. "Christ sur la croix" (1835): This painting depicting Christ on the cross sold for €5.7 million (approximately $6.1 million) at Sotheby’s Paris in 2006.

4. "Le Cheval arabe" (1862): This painting depicting an Arab horse sold for €4.72 million (approximately $5.3 million) at Sotheby’s Paris in 2013.

5. "Hamlet et Horatio dans le cimetière" (1839): This painting depicting a scene from Shakespeare's "Hamlet" sold for €3.3 million (approximately $3.9 million) at Artcurial Paris in 2017.

6. "Arab Horses Fighting in a Stable," 1860 - This painting sold for $14.2 million USD in 2013 at Sotheby's in Paris.

7. "Algerian Women in Their Apartment," 1834 - This painting sold for $4.3 million USD in 2018 at Christie's in London.

8. "Self-Portrait," 1837 - This painting sold for $1.5 million USD in 2018 at Sotheby's in Paris.

9. "Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard," 1839 - This painting sold for $11.4 million USD in 2008 at Christie's in New York.

10. "Tasso in the Madhouse," 1839 - This painting sold for $5.85 million USD in 2019 at Sotheby's in New York.

Delacroix’s works are treasured for their intense emotional power and historical significance. He was also one of the leading artists in the Romantic movement, which celebrated personal emotion and individualism. His works are known to represent dramatic subjects, creating a unique artistic language that resonates with art enthusiasts across different generations.

Te auction records of Eugène Delacroix's paintings illustrate the immense admiration and demand for his works. His unique romantic style and his ability to capture raw emotions in dramatic scenes make his works highly sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts. Bring any of his renowned works into your home and capture the raw emotions and drama within your living spaces.
These auction records highlight the continued demand for Delacroix's works, which are highly regarded for their masterful technique, depth of feeling, and vivid colors. His oeuvre includes a variety of subjects, from historical figures to scenes from literature and everyday life.

The Biography of Artist Eugène Delacroix

Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) was a French artist who became one of the most influential painters of the 19th century. He is known for his romantic and symbolist style and was a key figure in the French Romantic movement. Here is a brief biography of Eugène Delacroix:

Early Life and Education:
Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-Saint-Maurice, France. He received his formal education at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris, where he excelled in the classics and developed an interest in art. He began studying under the painter Pierre-Narcisse Guérin in 1815 and spent much of his early career copying works of the Old Masters.

In 1822, Delacroix exhibited his first painting, "Dante and Virgil in Hell," at the Paris Salon, establishing himself as a significant figure in the art world. He went on to create several notable works, including the "Massacre at Chios," "The Death of Sardanapalus," and "Liberty Leading the People," which has become an iconic symbol of the French Revolution. Delacroix's paintings often featured dramatic and emotionally charged subject matter, reflecting the Romantic movement's passion and individuality.

Personal Life:
Delacroix was a solitary and private individual who often struggled with his health throughout his life. He never married and had few close relationships, preferring to focus on his work. Despite this, he had many friends and was highly respected within the artistic community.

Delacroix's legacy lives on today as one of the most significant figures of the Romantic movement. His paintings were highly influential and inspired many artists to come, including the Impressionists. He also wrote several insightful and thought-provoking journals, which provide a valuable glimpse into his artistic process and views.

Eugène Delacroix was not only a painter but a versatile artist who was also active in creating drawings, watercolors, and lithographs. Here are some more important biographical details about this significant artist:

1. Travels: Delacroix loved to travel and was known for his curiosity about different cultures. He took several trips to North Africa, Spain, and England, which heavily influenced his work. His experiences in North Africa, in particular, inspired many of his most famous works, including "Arab Horses Fighting in a Stable."

2. Literary Interests: Delacroix had a keen interest in literature and often drew inspiration from writers such as Shakespeare, Dante, and Goethe. His literary interests are reflected in many of his works, which often depict dramatic scenes from myths, legends, and historical events.

3. Death: Delacroix died on August 13, 1863, at the age of 65. His passing was mourned by many, and he was given a state funeral in recognition of his contributions to French art.

4. Controversies: Delacroix's work was often highly controversial, with many critics and viewers finding his paintings too emotional and unconventional. His famous painting, "Liberty Leading the People," sparked controversy for its realistic depiction of violence and conflicts with traditional art conventions.

5. Influence: Delacroix's influence can be seen in the works of many artists who came after him, including the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists. His unique approach to color and composition, as well as his interest in non-Western art, influenced many artists and broadened the scope of what was considered "art."

Eugène Delacroix was a fascinating and complex artist whose work pushed the boundaries of traditional art conventions. His interest in literature, travel, and non-Western art, as well as his unique approach to color and composition, helped establish him as a significant figure in 19th-century art. His paintings and other works continue to inspire artists and art lovers around the world today. Eugène Delacroix was a pivotal figure in the development of 19th-century art, known for his emotionally charged paintings that pushed the boundaries of traditional art conventions. His Romantic and Symbolist style inspired generations of artists and left an indelible mark on the art world.

Analyses Famous Paintings by Eugène Delacroix

Eugène Delacroix was a renowned French painter of the 19th century, known for his use of vivid colors and his Romantic style. Here are brief analyses of some of his most famous paintings:

1. "Liberty Leading the People" (1830): This painting depicts a woman personifying Liberty holding the French flag and leading a group of people over the bodies of fallen soldiers during the July Revolution of 1830. The use of bold colors and dynamic composition creates a sense of urgency and passion, conveying the spirit of the revolutionary moment. This painting has become an iconic symbol of the French Revolution, depicting a bare-breasted woman symbolizing liberty or Marianne leading the masses over the barricades. The composition is powerful, with the sweeping curves of the woman's body set against the angular forms of the cityscape, and the dramatic use of color brings a sense of passion and movement to the scene.

2. "The Death of Sardanapalus" (1827): This painting depicts the legendary king of Assyria, Sardanapalus, ordering the destruction of his possessions and concubines before immolating himself as his city falls to his enemies. The painting is notable for its lush colors, the dramatic play of light and shadow, and the theatricality of its composition, which emphasizes the decadence and excess of the king's rule. A masterpiece of the Orientalist genre, this painting depicts the King Sardanapalus indulging in one last orgy, while at the same time, his servants are burning his palace and themselves in a fire along with his possessions. The scene is a cacophony of swirling forms, rich colors, and intense emotion, portraying the decadence and excess of the past civilization in a way that was shocking for its time.

3. "Women of Algiers in their Apartment" (1834): This painting depicts a scene from an Algerian harem, with several women engaged in various activities. Delacroix's masterful use of colors and the intricate patterns and details of the space create an atmosphere of sensuousness and exoticism. This painting portrays the lives of women in a harem, and their private world is conveyed with exquisite attention to detail in the luxurious surroundings, rich fabrics and jewelry. The painting is also remarkable for its harmonious and unusual color scheme, which combines intense blues, greens, and reds.

4. "The Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople" (1840): This painting depicts the Crusaders' entrance into the Byzantine city during the Fourth Crusade in 1204. The painting captures the chaos and violence of the moment, with horses and riders charging through the streets and Byzantine people fleeing in terror.

5. "The Barque of Dante" (1822): This painting depicts Dante and his guide, Virgil, in a small boat on the River Styx, surrounded by the damned souls of Hell. The painting is marked by its use of deep, somber colors and the powerful expression of the tortured figures, capturing the horror and despair of Dante's vision of the afterlife.

6. "Tiger Hunt" (1854): This painting depicts a hunt in India, where a group of men are shown struggling to subdue a raging tiger. The scene is full of energy and movement, with the hunters' costumes and the tiger's fur rendered in vivid detail, and the powerful use of diagonals and dynamism in the composition contributing to the dramatic effect of the painting.

Overall, Delacroix's paintings are characterized by their intense emotionality, powerful use of color and light, and their dramatic and often exoticized subjects, which capture the imagination of viewers and make his works some of the most enduring of the 19th century.

The Features of Artworks by Eugène Delacroix

Eugène Delacroix was a masterful artist who developed a unique style that blended elements of Romanticism, Neoclassicism, and Orientalism. Here are some of the key features of artworks by Eugène Delacroix:

1. Emotion and Movement - Delacroix's paintings often feature intense emotion, dramatic action, and dynamic movement, conveying a sense of passion and energy. This is seen in works such as "Liberty Leading the People" and "The Death of Sardanapalus."

2. Color palette - Delacroix was a master of color and utilized it to convey emotions and atmosphere in his paintings. He often used bold, vibrant colors, and applied them in a loose, free-flowing manner to create luminous, glowing effects.

3. Orientalism - Delacroix was fascinated by the exotic cultures of North Africa and the Middle East, and his paintings often feature exotic landscapes and people from these regions. He utilized these visual elements to convey a sense of mystery and otherness in his works.

4. Romanticism - Delacroix was a leading figure of the Romantic movement, which challenged the strict classical ideals of the time. His work embodies this movement's focus on individuality, emotion, and the sublime, often portraying themes of heroism, tragedy, and epic storytelling.

5. Brushwork - Delacroix's loose, expressive brushwork was a hallmark of his style. He used brushstrokes to convey texture, movement and create dynamic compositions, in addition to using colors to create realistic portrayals of real-life scenes.

6. Historical storytelling - Delacroix's paintings were known for their focus on historical, mythological, and literary subjects. He utilized this subject matter to create dramatic compositions that would immerse the viewer in a story, creating an emotional experience for the viewer.

In conclusion, Eugène Delacroix's artworks are characterized by their passionate emotionalism, dynamic movement, bold color, use of light and shadow, brushwork and the subject matter of history, myth, and literature. These features make his art resonate with audiences still today, and his influence can be seen in many later artistic movements.

Why Choose Eugène Delacroix Art as Home Decor?

Choosing Eugène Delacroix art as home decor can bring a unique blend of history, emotion, and beauty to your living space. Here are some reasons why you should consider his artworks as home decor:

1. Historical and Artistic Value - Eugène Delacroix was one of the most prominent French artists of the 19th century, and his work represents an important era in art history. By choosing one of his paintings as home decor, you bring a historical and artistic value to your space.

2. Emotional impact - Delacroix's paintings often depict dramatic and emotive scenes, such as battles, love, and tragedy, that have the power to evoke strong emotions in viewers. Adding one of his paintings to your home decor can create an emotional impact and imbue your living space with a sense of deep feeling.

3. Vibrant Colors and Brushwork - Delacroix was known for his vibrant colors and expressive brushwork, which brings liveliness, dynamic texture, and playfulness to his paintings. His artworks can add a burst of colors to any room, especially those with minimalist colour schemes.

4. Unique aesthetic style - Eugène Delacroix's art style represented an integration of Neo-classical Romanticism and Orientalism, creating a unique style. The unique fusion of aesthetics and visual elements add depth and interest to your interior design, which can be a focal point or complement other artwork or decor pieces.

5. Versatility - Delacroix paintings range from small portraits to massive historical compositions. His works' versatility ensures that you can find the perfect piece, whether you want to create a daring focal point that commands attention or a subtle finishing touch.

In conclusion, Eugène Delacroix's artworks bring a unique atmosphere of emotion, history, and beauty to any home decor. If you are an art lover or an enthusiast of the Romantic, Neoclassical, or Orientalist style, Delacroix's artworks are a fantastic option to explore. They provide a timeless and graceful essence to any style of interior, ensuring that you create an aesthetic look that is visually appealing and culturally significant.

How to Use Eugène Delacroix Oil Paintings as Wall Decor

Eugène Delacroix's oil paintings are beautiful and iconic works of art that can be used as excellent wall decor. Here are some tips on how to use Delacroix's paintings as wall decor in your home:

1. Choose a painting that will complement the color scheme and style of your room. Delacroix's paintings have a range of colors and styles, from rich and dramatic to more subtle and nuanced, so be sure to choose a piece that will coordinate well with your décor.

2. Determine a suitable size for the painting. Depending on the space available on your wall and the size of the room, you may want to choose a painting that is either large and bold or small and more understated.

3. Consider the frame. A beautiful frame can add interest and elegance to your painting, and you may want to choose a frame that complements the colors and style of your room.

4. Hang the painting at an appropriate height. For optimal viewing, hang the painting at eye level, which is typically around 5-6 feet from the floor.

5. Use lighting to enhance the painting. Consider using directional lighting to highlight the texture and color of the painting, such as a spotlight or accent light.

By following these tips, you can use Delacroix's stunning oil paintings as a standout piece of wall decor in your home. Remember that art is highly personal, and the key to incorporating it into your decor is to choose a painting that speaks to you and complements your space.

Eugène Delacroix: Handmade Oil Painting Reproduction vs. Prints

When it comes to purchasing a reproduction of a painting by Eugène Delacroix, there are two main options: a handmade oil painting reproduction or a print. Here are some of the key differences between the two:

Handmade Oil Painting Reproduction:
- A handmade oil painting reproduction is created by an artist who carefully re-creates the original painting stroke by stroke.
- Because each painting is created by hand, there will be slight variations in brushstrokes, colors, and textures that make the painting unique.
- A handmade oil painting reproduction can be more expensive than a print, but it will have a higher level of detail and authenticity.

- Prints are created using a printing process, usually involving a high-quality inkjet printer, and they tend to be less expensive than a handmade oil painting reproduction.

When deciding between a handmade oil painting reproduction and a print, it all depends on what you value more – a physical representation of the original art, or a print that is more affordable and easier to reproduce. If you are looking for a more authentic and detailed rendition of Delacroix's work, investing in a handmade oil painting reproduction is the best course of action. However, if you are more interested in a quick and inexpensive method of collecting Delacroix's art, prints may be the better option for you.

The Paintings of Eugène Delacroix Reproduced by Toperfect

Toperfect is a trusted online gallery that offers high-quality reproductions of famous artworks, including those of Eugène Delacroix. Here are some of the paintings by Delacroix that have been reproduced by Toperfect:

1. "Liberty Leading the People" - This painting depicts a bare-breasted woman holding the French tricolor flag and leading a charge over the barricades during the July Revolution of 1830. Toperfect has reproduced this painting with stunning detail and color accuracy, capturing the emotion, passion, and drama of the scene.

2. "The Death of Sardanapalus" - This painting portrays the Assyrian king Sardanapalus, who ordered the burning of all his possessions and concubines rather than surrendering to his enemies. Toperfect's reproduction of this masterpiece captures the painting's intricate details, vivid colors, and sense of tragic grandeur.

3. "The Barque of Dante" - This painting depicts Dante and Virgil's journey through Hell, sailing on a boat through a dark and tumultuous sea. Toperfect has reproduced this painting with meticulous attention to detail, capturing the painting's moody atmosphere, intricate detailing and the rich color that brings out the essence of the painting.

4. "The Women of Algiers" - This painting is a quintessential example of Delacroix's Orientalist style. Toperfect's reproduction of this painting captures the vibrant colors, elegant composition, and exotic charm of the scene.

5. "The Massacre at Chios" - This painting depicts the aftermath of the Chios Massacre, where Ottoman troops attacked the Greek island of Chios during the Greek War of Independence, killing and enslaving thousands of people. Toperfect's reproduction of this painting showcases the painting's strong composition and expressive brushwork, conveying the heart-wrenching tragedy of the scene.

Toperfect's reproductions of Eugène Delacroix's paintings are of the highest quality, capturing the essence of the original works with exceptional attention to detail and color accuracy. They offer a great alternative to the original works for art enthusiasts looking to adorn their homes or office spaces with these timeless masterpieces.

95 Eugene Delacroix Paintings for Sale. Satisfaction Guaranteed 100%!
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Study of Sky Setting Sun Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Abduction of Rebecca Romantic Eugene Delacroix
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The Abduction of Rebecca Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Greece on the Ruins of Missolonghi Romantic Eugene Delacroix
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Greece on the Ruins of Missolonghi Romantic Eugene Delacroix

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Christ on the Cross sketch 2 Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Self Portrait Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Self Portrait Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Self Portrait Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Apollo Slays Python sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Apollo Slays Python sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Apollo Slays Python sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Girl Stead in a Cemetery Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Girl Stead in a Cemetery Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Girl Stead in a Cemetery Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Aspasia sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Aspasia sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Aspasia sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Two WOmen at the Well Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Two WOmen at the Well Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Two WOmen at the Well Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Michelangelo in his Studio Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Michelangelo in his Studio Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Michelangelo in his Studio Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Sketch for The Death of Sardanapalus Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Sketch for The Death of Sardanapalus Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Sketch for The Death of Sardanapalus Romantic Eugene Delacroix

algiers Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - algiers Romantic Eugene Delacroix

algiers Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Winter Juno And Aeolus Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Winter Juno And Aeolus Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Winter Juno And Aeolus Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Sketch for Peace Descends to Earth Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Sketch for Peace Descends to Earth Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Sketch for Peace Descends to Earth Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Women of Algiers Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - The Women of Algiers Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Women of Algiers Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Garonne Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - The Garonne Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Garonne Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Marocan and his Horse Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Marocan and his Horse Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Marocan and his Horse Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Barque of Dante Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - The Barque of Dante Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Barque of Dante Romantic Eugene Delacroix

A Mad Woman Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - A Mad Woman Romantic Eugene Delacroix

A Mad Woman Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Natchez Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - The Natchez Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Natchez Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Still Life with Lobster Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Still Life with Lobster Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Still Life with Lobster Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Frederic Chopin Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Frederic Chopin Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Frederic Chopin Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret sketch Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Bride of Abydos Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - The Bride of Abydos Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Bride of Abydos Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Two Moroccans Seated In The Countryside Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Two Moroccans Seated In The Countryside Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Two Moroccans Seated In The Countryside Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Cleopatra and the Peasant Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Cleopatra and the Peasant Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Cleopatra and the Peasant Romantic Eugene Delacroix

A Mortally WOunded Brigand Quenches His Thirst Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - A Mortally WOunded Brigand Quenches His Thirst Romantic Eugene Delacroix

A Mortally WOunded Brigand Quenches His Thirst Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Combat of the Giaour and the Pasha Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Combat of the Giaour and the Pasha Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Combat of the Giaour and the Pasha Romantic Eugene Delacroix

George Sand Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - George Sand Romantic Eugene Delacroix

George Sand Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Studies Of Antique Medallions Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Studies Of Antique Medallions Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Studies Of Antique Medallions Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Sketch for Attila Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Sketch for Attila Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Sketch for Attila Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Jewish Bride Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Jewish Bride Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Jewish Bride Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Study for Jenny Le Guillou and Josephine de Forget Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - Study for Jenny Le Guillou and Josephine de Forget Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Study for Jenny Le Guillou and Josephine de Forget Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Massacre of Chios Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - The Massacre of Chios Romantic Eugene Delacroix

The Massacre of Chios Romantic Eugene Delacroix

A Young Tiger Playing with its Mother Romantic Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix Painting - A Young Tiger Playing with its Mother Romantic Eugene Delacroix

A Young Tiger Playing with its Mother Romantic Eugene Delacroix

Totally 95 Eugene Delacroix Art Paintings for Sale

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