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Textured Paintings for Sale

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Textured Paintings
Impasto paintings with knife or sand can be spread in layers, one over another, to produce interesting effects of light and color. Impasto painters build their textured art with thick strokes of color. From these impasto art, we can find that, instead of make a very detailed and realistic oil painting, the artists such as van Gogh or Paul Klee used palette knife with heavy paints, sands, or gesso, to create abstracted scenes of everyday life with textures. The technique made these textured paintings seem like an impression of light and color rather than a fully realistic, detailed picture. -- The Copyright of Scripts is Reserved by Toperfect.

The Prices of Textured Paintings

The prices of textured paintings vary depending on several factors such as the size, complexity, materials used, and the reputation of the artist. Generally, textured paintings tend to be more expensive than flat or smooth ones because of the additional work involved in creating the tactile effect.

On average, a small-sized textured painting (12x16 inches) can range from $100 to $500. A medium-sized artwork (24x36 inches) can be priced between $500 to $1,500 or more, while a larger-sized textured painting (48x72 inches) can cost between $2,000 to $5,000, and even more for some artists.

However, prices may vary greatly depending on the artist and the market they are selling in, as well as the level of detail and intricacy of the artwork. High-end, well-known artists can charge tens of thousands or even millions of dollars for their textured paintings.

Textured Paintings as Wall Art for Room Decor

Textured paintings can be a great addition to any room decor as they add depth, dimension, and a tactile element to your walls. There are many different types of textured paintings to choose from, including impasto, finger painting, drip painting, and more. Here are some ideas for using textured paintings as part of your room decor:

1. Choose a textured painting that matches the color scheme of your room. This will help tie the room together and create a cohesive look.

2. Use a large textured painting as a focal point for your room. Hang it above a sofa or bed to draw the eye and create a statement piece.

3. Create a gallery wall of textured paintings. Mix and match different types of textures and colors to create a visually interesting display.

4. Use a textured painting to add interest to a small space, such as a hallway or entryway. This will create a sense of depth and dimension in an otherwise boring area.

5. Experiment with different framing styles to enhance the texture of your painting. A thick frame or float frame can make the painting appear even more tactile and dimensional.

Overall, adding a textured painting to your room decor can be a great way to add interest and personality to your space. Just remember to choose a painting that complements your existing decor and reflects your personal style.

Textured Painting is Popular

Textured painting is indeed very popular in the world of art and interior design. It allows artists to create artwork that is not just visually appealing but also adds a tactile dimension to the piece. Textured paintings can be created through various techniques such as impasto, sgraffito, and collage. They can be made using different mediums like oil, acrylics, and mixed media. The use of textured paintings in interior design has gained popularity because it provides visual interest and adds depth and character to a space. Textured paintings can be used as a statement piece in a room or as a complement to other design elements. Overall, the popularity of textured painting is due to its versatility and ability to create unique and captivating pieces of art.

Handmade Textured Painting is Better Than Prints

Handmade textured paintings offer a unique and authentic touch that cannot be replicated by prints. The artist can add detailed textures and use different techniques and mediums to create layers and depth. Each brushstroke and texture is unique, creating a one-of-a-kind piece of art.

In contrast, prints are mass-produced, and the same image can be reproduced thousands of times. Although they can be high-quality and look almost identical to the original painting, they lack the unique characteristics and imperfections that make handmade paintings special.

Another advantage of handmade paintings is that they can appreciate in value over time, while prints typically do not. Handmade paintings are also unique and personal, which can make them more meaningful and special to the owner.

Ultimately, whether someone prefers handmade textured paintings or prints is a matter of personal preference and taste. Both have their advantages and drawbacks, but handmade paintings offer a special kind of charm and uniqueness that cannot be found in prints.

The Features of Textured Oil Painting

1. Texture: Textured oil paintings have a three-dimensional quality and are characterized by their tactile quality. The texture can be created using a variety of techniques like the use of thick impasto, palette knives, and brushwork.

2. Dynamic and Expressive: Textured oil paintings are incredibly dynamic and expressive, making them appealing to both the eye and the touch. The use of visible brushstrokes, impasto applications, or other textural techniques can create a sense of depth, volume, and movement.

3. Color: Color is a critical element in any painting, but textured oil paintings often use bold and vibrant colors to enhance the tactile quality of the artwork. The texture can create a shadow effect, which elevates the colors to have depth and intensity.

4. Style: Textured oil painting can take any style, from traditional landscapes to vibrant abstracts. The texture can enhance any style of painting, adding depth and visual interest to the work.

5. Individuality: Textured oil paintings are unique and tend to be one-of-a-kind since artists often use their fingers, palette knives and other specialized tools to create the texture. While there may be similarities, no two works will be the same.

6. Durable: Oils are a durable painting medium, which means that textured oil paintings can withstand the test of time, aging gracefully like a fine wine.

The Subjects of Textured Painting

Textured painting can be used to depict a wide range of subjects. Some common subjects of textured painting include:

1. Nature: Textured painting can be used to depict natural landscapes such as oceans, mountains, forests, and rivers. The texture of the painting can help to create a more realistic and immersive experience for the viewer.

2. Abstract art: Textured painting is also popular in abstract art, where the texture helps to create depth and dimension in the work.

3. Portraits: Some artists use textured painting techniques to create unique and interesting portraits. The texture can help to convey emotions and add depth to the image.

4. Animals: Wildlife, domestic animals, and pets can also be depicted using textured painting techniques. The texture can help to create a more realistic and tactile representation of the animal.

5. Still life: Textured painting can also be used to depict still life subjects such as fruit, flowers, and other objects. The texture can help to create a more interesting and dynamic composition.

The Elements of Textured Painting

Textured painting is a technique where artists create a three-dimensional effect on a painting's surface. There are several elements that artists use to create textured paintings, including:

1. Medium: The medium used in textured painting is usually thick, including acrylic paints, oil paints, and pastels. These mediums tend to hold their shape better, allowing for more sculptural effects.

2. Surface: Artists use a variety of surfaces to create textured paintings, including canvas, paper, and wood. The surface provides a foundation for the texture to be built upon.

3. Tools: Texture can be created using a variety of tools, including brushes, palette knives, sponges, and even fingers. Each tool creates unique patterns and textures.

4. Layering: Building up layers of paint and texture is an integral part of creating a textured painting. Artists may apply several layers of paint, each with a different consistency, to create depth and dimension.

5. Color: Color plays a crucial role in creating texture. By using variations of the same color or contrasting colors, artists can enhance the texture and make it stand out.

6. Contrast: Textured areas can be contrasted with smooth, flat areas to create visual interest and depth.

7. Composition: The composition of the painting, including the placement and size of the textured areas, is essential to creating a cohesive and visually appealing artwork.

The Textured Oil Paintings Hand Painted by Toperfect

Toperfect is a leading online provider of hand-painted oil paintings. Our artists specialize in creating textured oil paintings that capture the essence of a subject, whether it be a landscape, portrait, or abstract design. Our textured oil paintings are made using high-quality oil paints and canvas, and we offer a variety of textures and styles to choose from.

Some of our most popular textured oil painting techniques include impasto, palette knife, and brushwork. Impasto is a technique where thick layers of paint are applied to the canvas, creating a three-dimensional effect. Palette knife painting involves using a palette knife to apply paint to the canvas, creating a textured, layered effect. Brushwork is a more traditional technique where the artist uses a brush to apply layers of paint, creating depth and texture.

We also offer a variety of styles for our textured oil paintings, including abstract, contemporary, modern, and traditional. Our artists can work with you to create a custom textured oil painting that is unique to your style and preferences.

When you purchase a textured oil painting from Toperfect, you can rest assured that you are getting a high-quality, hand-painted work of art that is made to last. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and our customer service team is available to answer any questions you may have. Whether you are looking to decorate your home or office or are interested in starting a collection of fine art, our textured oil paintings are a beautiful and timeless choice.

584 Textured Paintings for Sale. Satisfaction Guaranteed 100%!
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  4     5     6   works per line
Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 06
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 06

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 06

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 07
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 07

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 07

Wildflower sky meadow flowers wall decor textured
Textured Painting - Wildflower sky meadow flowers wall decor textured

Wildflower sky meadow flowers wall decor textured

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 13
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 13

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 13

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 12
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 12

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 12

Wildflower meadow landscape flowers wall decor textured
Textured Painting - Wildflower meadow landscape flowers wall decor textured

Wildflower meadow landscape flowers wall decor textured

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 01
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 01

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 01

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 14
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 14

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 14

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 03
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 03

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 03

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 08
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 08

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 08

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 05
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 05

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 05

Wildflower sky clouds flowers wall decor textured
Textured Painting - Wildflower sky clouds flowers wall decor textured

Wildflower sky clouds flowers wall decor textured

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 02
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 02

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 02

Wildflower sky sun flowers wall decor textured
Textured Painting - Wildflower sky sun flowers wall decor textured

Wildflower sky sun flowers wall decor textured

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 10
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 10

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 10

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 09
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 09

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 09

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 04
Textured Painting - Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 04

Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 04

Deer Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 11
Textured Painting - Deer Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 11

Deer Textured Red Yellow Trees Autumn by Knife 11

Abstract Boho gold 2 wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Abstract Boho gold 2 wall decor texture

Abstract Boho gold 2 wall decor texture

couple forest autumn by Palette Knife texture
Textured Painting - couple forest autumn by Palette Knife texture

couple forest autumn by Palette Knife texture

Yellow Tree gold 2 wall decor detail texture
Textured Painting - Yellow Tree gold 2 wall decor detail texture

Yellow Tree gold 2 wall decor detail texture

Flower 08 by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Flower 08 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Flower 08 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Beach wave abstract 08 wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Beach wave abstract 08 wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract 08 wall art minimalism texture

Brush yellow black abstract08 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Brush yellow black abstract08 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Brush yellow black abstract08 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Flower 05 by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Flower 05 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Flower 05 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Picasso woman face tryptych wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Picasso woman face tryptych wall art minimalism texture

Picasso woman face tryptych wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract 16 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Beach wave abstract 16 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract 16 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 13 texture
Textured Painting - Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 13 texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 13 texture

Birch Trees autumn by Palette Knife texture
Textured Painting - Birch Trees autumn by Palette Knife texture

Birch Trees autumn by Palette Knife texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain snow skiing by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Skier on Snowy Mountain snow skiing by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain snow skiing by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 04 texture
Textured Painting - Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 04 texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 04 texture

moon trees blue garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture
Textured Painting - moon trees blue garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

moon trees blue garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

Sunrise Ocean Coastal Sea Landscape by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture
Textured Painting - Sunrise Ocean Coastal Sea Landscape by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

Sunrise Ocean Coastal Sea Landscape by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

moon woods stream garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture
Textured Painting - moon woods stream garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

moon woods stream garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

D Floral flowers wall decor texture
Textured Painting - D Floral flowers wall decor texture

D Floral flowers wall decor texture

three dimensional plum blossom white by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - three dimensional plum blossom white by Palette Knife wall decor texture

three dimensional plum blossom white by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Colorful Boho by Palette Knife wall art texture
Textured Painting - Colorful Boho by Palette Knife wall art texture

Colorful Boho by Palette Knife wall art texture

Naturally Drooping golden Flowers by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Naturally Drooping golden Flowers by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Naturally Drooping golden Flowers by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract sand 28 wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Beach wave abstract sand 28 wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract sand 28 wall art minimalism texture

Blue Mediterranean Sea Landscape by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture
Textured Painting - Blue Mediterranean Sea Landscape by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

Blue Mediterranean Sea Landscape by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain sky sport by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Skier on Snowy Mountain sky sport by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain sky sport by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Harvest moon and Stream garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture
Textured Painting - Harvest moon and Stream garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

Harvest moon and Stream garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

Brush stroke black yellow abstract by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Brush stroke black yellow abstract by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Brush stroke black yellow abstract by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Brush strokes orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Brush strokes orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Brush strokes orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Flower tryptic by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Flower tryptic by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Flower tryptic by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Wave sunset 17 beach art wall decor seashore texture
Textured Painting - Wave sunset 17 beach art wall decor seashore texture

Wave sunset 17 beach art wall decor seashore texture

Beach wave abstract 07 wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Beach wave abstract 07 wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract 07 wall art minimalism texture

Summer Sunset Stream by Vadal garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture
Textured Painting - Summer Sunset Stream by Vadal garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

Summer Sunset Stream by Vadal garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

Impasto abstract strokes orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Impasto abstract strokes orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Impasto abstract strokes orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Cherry Blossom Wild Flowers Pond Trees garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape detail texture
Textured Painting - Cherry Blossom Wild Flowers Pond Trees garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape detail texture

Cherry Blossom Wild Flowers Pond Trees garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape detail texture

purple Daisy flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - purple Daisy flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture

purple Daisy flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Spring Blooming Flower by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Spring Blooming Flower by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Spring Blooming Flower by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Hawaiian colorful clouds by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture
Textured Painting - Hawaiian colorful clouds by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

Hawaiian colorful clouds by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

abstract pattern by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - abstract pattern by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

abstract pattern by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Black and White abstract 05 wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Black and White abstract 05 wall art minimalism texture

Black and White abstract 05 wall art minimalism texture

abstract landscape Mounts green wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - abstract landscape Mounts green wall art minimalism texture

abstract landscape Mounts green wall art minimalism texture

Blue White gold abstract wall art texture
Textured Painting - Blue White gold abstract wall art texture

Blue White gold abstract wall art texture

Beach wave blue wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Beach wave blue wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave blue wall art minimalism texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 18 texture
Textured Painting - Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 18 texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 18 texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 12 texture
Textured Painting - Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 12 texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 12 texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 05 texture
Textured Painting - Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 05 texture

Skier on Snowy Mountain Wall Art Sport White Snow Skiing Room Decor by Knife 05 texture

color abstract drops by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - color abstract drops by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

color abstract drops by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

D River by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture
Textured Painting - D River by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

D River by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

Brush abstract yellow by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Brush abstract yellow by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Brush abstract yellow by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Blue abstract Ocean wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Blue abstract Ocean wall art minimalism texture

Blue abstract Ocean wall art minimalism texture

Pink Abstract modern wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Pink Abstract modern wall art minimalism texture

Pink Abstract modern wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract sand kids wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Beach wave abstract sand kids wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract sand kids wall art minimalism texture

White Grey Poppy Bouquet by Palette Knife detail wall decor texture
Textured Painting - White Grey Poppy Bouquet by Palette Knife detail wall decor texture

White Grey Poppy Bouquet by Palette Knife detail wall decor texture

abstract pink girls by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - abstract pink girls by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

abstract pink girls by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Color Block abstract 2 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Color Block abstract 2 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Color Block abstract 2 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Drop abstract white purple biege by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Drop abstract white purple biege by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Drop abstract white purple biege by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Abstract Colorful~1 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Abstract Colorful~1 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Abstract Colorful~1 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Abstract floral baho flowers wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Abstract floral baho flowers wall decor texture

Abstract floral baho flowers wall decor texture

White Floral by Palette Knife flower wall decor texture
Textured Painting - White Floral by Palette Knife flower wall decor texture

White Floral by Palette Knife flower wall decor texture

abstract forest tree landscape natural texture
Textured Painting - abstract forest tree landscape natural texture

abstract forest tree landscape natural texture

Color Block 2 abstract by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Color Block 2 abstract by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Color Block 2 abstract by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Seascape pink waves by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture
Textured Painting - Seascape pink waves by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

Seascape pink waves by Palette Knife beach art wall decor seashore texture

Green Forest fog detail texture
Textured Painting - Green Forest fog detail texture

Green Forest fog detail texture

gray Gold 07 by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - gray Gold 07 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

gray Gold 07 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Impasto abstract strokes 09 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Impasto abstract strokes 09 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Impasto abstract strokes 09 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Green Mount white clouds texture
Textured Painting - Green Mount white clouds texture

Green Mount white clouds texture

Gray Angel Wing by Palette Knife wall art texture
Textured Painting - Gray Angel Wing by Palette Knife wall art texture

Gray Angel Wing by Palette Knife wall art texture

gray silver tree detail texture
Textured Painting - gray silver tree detail texture

gray silver tree detail texture

New York Manhattan Brooklyn Bridge NYC Skyline 2 cityscape urban texture
Textured Painting - New York Manhattan Brooklyn Bridge NYC Skyline 2 cityscape urban texture

New York Manhattan Brooklyn Bridge NYC Skyline 2 cityscape urban texture

Black and White 04 by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Black and White 04 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Black and White 04 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Beach wave abstract green 05 wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Beach wave abstract green 05 wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract green 05 wall art minimalism texture

Gold Flower detail by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Gold Flower detail by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Gold Flower detail by Palette Knife wall decor texture

gold mountains by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - gold mountains by Palette Knife wall decor texture

gold mountains by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Friendly horse gray white texture
Textured Painting - Friendly horse gray white texture

Friendly horse gray white texture

Dyptych Gold Pink 02 wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Dyptych Gold Pink 02 wall decor texture

Dyptych Gold Pink 02 wall decor texture

Pablo Picasso colorful Guernica wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Pablo Picasso colorful Guernica wall art minimalism texture

Pablo Picasso colorful Guernica wall art minimalism texture

New York Manhattan Brooklyn Bridge NYC Skyline cityscape urban texture
Textured Painting - New York Manhattan Brooklyn Bridge NYC Skyline cityscape urban texture

New York Manhattan Brooklyn Bridge NYC Skyline cityscape urban texture

Wave sunrise sand 19 beach art wall decor seashore texture
Textured Painting - Wave sunrise sand 19 beach art wall decor seashore texture

Wave sunrise sand 19 beach art wall decor seashore texture

Brush abstract orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Brush abstract orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Brush abstract orange by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Drop abstract 01 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Drop abstract 01 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Drop abstract 01 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract 06 wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Beach wave abstract 06 wall art minimalism texture

Beach wave abstract 06 wall art minimalism texture

Birch Trees golden autumn texture
Textured Painting - Birch Trees golden autumn texture

Birch Trees golden autumn texture

White Grey Poppy Bouquet by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - White Grey Poppy Bouquet by Palette Knife wall decor texture

White Grey Poppy Bouquet by Palette Knife wall decor texture

blue Golden Rainwater wall decor texture
Textured Painting - blue Golden Rainwater wall decor texture

blue Golden Rainwater wall decor texture

California Ranchland and wildflowers garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture
Textured Painting - California Ranchland and wildflowers garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

California Ranchland and wildflowers garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

Blue Seascape White Ocean Sunny Beach waves by Palette Knife texture
Textured Painting - Blue Seascape White Ocean Sunny Beach waves by Palette Knife texture

Blue Seascape White Ocean Sunny Beach waves by Palette Knife texture

Surfing sport Blue Waves by Palette Knife detail texture
Textured Painting - Surfing sport Blue Waves by Palette Knife detail texture

Surfing sport Blue Waves by Palette Knife detail texture

Flower 06 by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Flower 06 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Flower 06 by Palette Knife wall decor texture

green woods by Palette Knife texture
Textured Painting - green woods by Palette Knife texture

green woods by Palette Knife texture

Cherry Blossom Tree Moon garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture
Textured Painting - Cherry Blossom Tree Moon garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

Cherry Blossom Tree Moon garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape texture

gray Gold 03 wall decor texture
Textured Painting - gray Gold 03 wall decor texture

gray Gold 03 wall decor texture

Boho flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Boho flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Boho flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture

White Cherry Flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - White Cherry Flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture

White Cherry Flowers by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Gold silver leaf wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Gold silver leaf wall decor texture

Gold silver leaf wall decor texture

Gold Pink 06 wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Gold Pink 06 wall decor texture

Gold Pink 06 wall decor texture

Abstract Blooming Flower by Palette Knife wall decor texture
Textured Painting - Abstract Blooming Flower by Palette Knife wall decor texture

Abstract Blooming Flower by Palette Knife wall decor texture

City Skyline Landscape by Palette Knife wall art texture
Textured Painting - City Skyline Landscape by Palette Knife wall art texture

City Skyline Landscape by Palette Knife wall art texture

pond floral garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape detail texture
Textured Painting - pond floral garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape detail texture

pond floral garden decor scenery wall art nature landscape detail texture

Abstract 02 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture
Textured Painting - Abstract 02 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Abstract 02 by Palette Knife wall art minimalism texture

Totally 584 Textured Art Paintings for Sale

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