Moonlight on the Whitewater landscape John Ottis Adams
Moonlit seascape boat With Shipwreck Ivan Aivazovsky
Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich Bracing The Waves seascape Ivan Aivazovsky
Josephine the Breton Maid John White Alexander
marion lenbach the artists daughter Franz von Lenbach
conrad geyer Franz von Lenbach
The Head Of A Nymph genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Love In a Mist genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
The Time Of The Lilacs genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Ready For The Ball genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Portrait Of Young Girl genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Young Girl Fixing Her Hair genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
The Turtle Dove Small genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Take the fair face of Woman genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Shepherd Piper 1881 genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Elaine or The Lily Maid of Astolat 1870 genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Young Girl genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Christmas Time Heres The Gobbler genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Gengembre Windfalls genre Sophie Gengembre Anderson
On the Delaware at Tacony naturalistic seascape Thomas Pollock Anshutz
Etude pour une meditation realistic girl portraits Charles Amable Lenoir
Meditation 1899 realistic girl portraits Charles Amable Lenoir
La Petite Fille Au Chaudron Joseph Claude Bail
Woman Sewing In Front Of Her Cottage Joseph Claude Bail
Le Marmiton Joseph Claude Bail
Adoration Of The Magi Renaissance painter Hans Baldung
Crucifixion Renaissance painter Hans Baldung
Harmony Of The Three Graces Renaissance nude painter Hans Baldung
The Lamentation Of Christ Renaissance nude painter Hans Baldung
Sheep And Lamb Jacopo da Ponte Jacopo Bassano animal
Pas Meche Nothing Diong rural life Jules Bastien Lepage
Marchande de Fleurs a Londres 1882 rural life Jules Bastien Lepage
The London Bootblack rural life Jules Bastien Lepage
A Spanish Flower Seller Edwin Long
An Egyptian Feast Edwin Long
The Eastern Favorite Edwin Long
Sacred to Pasht Edwin Long
Longsdale Thisbe Edwin Long
Alethe Attendant of the Sacred Ibis in the Temple of Isis at Edwin Long
Portrait of Peter Douglas Esquire Edwin Long
Anno Domini Edwin Long
Study of a young girls head Edwin Long
To her Listening Ear Responsive Chords of Music came Familia Edwin Long
The Chosen Five Edwin Long
Woman Carrying a Basket Full of Pomegranates Edwin Long
Study for Lord Ellesmere Edwin Long
Eastern Lily Edwin Long
Study of a young girls head another view Edwin Long
The Date Seller Edwin Long
A Study with Sunlight impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
The Blacksmith impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
Under the Lilacs impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
Brunette Combing Her Hair impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
Woman with Guitar impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
Sylvan Toilette impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
Lost in Thought impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
Portrait of Evelyn Nesbitt impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
One of the Figures at the Parterre dEau impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
The Letter impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
Margharite impressionist James Carroll Beckwith
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