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Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov Paintings for Sale

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Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov Paintings
Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov (Russian: Илья Иванович Машков; 1881 – 1944) was a Russian artist, one of the most significant and at the same time most characteristic painters of the circle of "Jack of Diamonds" (Russian: Бубновый Валет).
His creative work reflected the colour revolution of the 20th century. The artistic innovations of Paul Cézanne and Henri Matisse were evident in his paintings which contained the full-blooded energy of folk art.
In 1924 Mashkov's works exhibited at the United States and Venice.
In June 2013 during Russian Art Week in London, Christie's sold Ilya Mashkov oil painting, Still life with fruit, for a record $7.3 million.
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