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John White Alexander Paintings for Sale

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John White Alexander Paintings
John White Alexander, 1856-1915, was an American portrait, figure, and decorative painter. In 1881 he achieved great success in portraiture. The first exhibition of John White Alexander paintings in the Paris Salon was a brilliant success and was followed by his immediate election to the Société Nationale des Beaux Arts. The artist was named Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the President of the National Society of Mural Painters. He also received Gold medals of the Paris Exposition and the World's Fair at St. Louis. -- The Copyright of Scripts is Reserved by Toperfect.
22 John White Alexander Paintings for Sale. Satisfaction Guaranteed 100%!
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A Kings Daughter aka Girl with Lilies John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - A Kings Daughter aka Girl with Lilies John White Alexander

A Kings Daughter aka Girl with Lilies John White Alexander

Portrait of Mrs V Mrs Herman Duryea John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Portrait of Mrs V Mrs Herman Duryea John White Alexander

Portrait of Mrs V Mrs Herman Duryea John White Alexander

Isabella and the Pot of Basil John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Isabella and the Pot of Basil John White Alexander

Isabella and the Pot of Basil John White Alexander

The Green Gown John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - The Green Gown John White Alexander

The Green Gown John White Alexander

An Idle Moment John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - An Idle Moment John White Alexander

An Idle Moment John White Alexander

Mrs Daniels with Two Children John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Mrs Daniels with Two Children John White Alexander

Mrs Daniels with Two Children John White Alexander

Landscape Painted at Cornish New Hampshire John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Landscape Painted at Cornish New Hampshire John White Alexander

Landscape Painted at Cornish New Hampshire John White Alexander

A Toiler John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - A Toiler John White Alexander

A Toiler John White Alexander

Young Woman Arranging Her Hair John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Young Woman Arranging Her Hair John White Alexander

Young Woman Arranging Her Hair John White Alexander

Woman in a Red Dress John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Woman in a Red Dress John White Alexander

Woman in a Red Dress John White Alexander

Black and Red John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Black and Red John White Alexander

Black and Red John White Alexander

A Meadow Flower John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - A Meadow Flower John White Alexander

A Meadow Flower John White Alexander

James McNeill Whistler John White Alexander
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James McNeill Whistler John White Alexander

Josephine the Breton Maid John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Josephine the Breton Maid John White Alexander

Josephine the Breton Maid John White Alexander

Gray Portrait John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Gray Portrait John White Alexander

Gray Portrait John White Alexander

The Green Dress John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - The Green Dress John White Alexander

The Green Dress John White Alexander

Fancy Dress John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Fancy Dress John White Alexander

Fancy Dress John White Alexander

Geraldine Russell John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Geraldine Russell John White Alexander

Geraldine Russell John White Alexander

Young Girl in Rose aka Portrait of Eleanora Randolph Sears John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Young Girl in Rose aka Portrait of Eleanora Randolph Sears John White Alexander

Young Girl in Rose aka Portrait of Eleanora Randolph Sears John White Alexander

Althea John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Althea John White Alexander

Althea John White Alexander

Repose John White Alexander
John White Alexander Painting - Repose John White Alexander

Repose John White Alexander

Totally 22 John White Alexander Art Paintings for Sale

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